/ # A New Toy to Play With

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Bakugou's feet dragged as he walked slowly to the palace. The sound of chains and people's gasps filled the air as Royal Knights dragged him in the village and towards the palace walls. Bakugou's eyes were hooded and showed his exhaustion from the journey he was forced upon. He looked up at the sky with longing eyes. He felt a hard tug against his wrists and neck. He growled lowly in pain and as an attempted threat. The Knight glared at him and Bakugou's growls fell silent once more. He looked ahead and at the large palace. A frown sinking into his features.
Bakugou was a dragon. One of the last of his kind. Bakugou had beautiful orange and black scales coating his cheeks, the back of his neck, forearms, hands, his calf's, Shins, and feet. Some coating his back, sides, and shoulders. His wings were large but trapped together by heavy iron. His feet heavy due to the heavy chains wrapping around his ankles and his neck and wrists aching due to the tight chains against his skin. His eyes coated in a yellow-ish red-ish color. Large horns sticking out of his forehead and his ears pointed slightly like an elves. A long large tail hanging low as it dragged along the dirt road.
He closed his eyes as he walked, trying to imagine where he was before all of this. Where he was happy and free, living at peace with the forest he adored and loved so much.
The beautiful and peaceful dream didn't last long as he was tugged hard back into the real world and he growled only to be smacked. He continued to growl as he laid on the floor. He was kicked in the stomach which made a yelp and painful groan leave his lips as he whimpered. The knights laigjdd and scoffed.
'' Get up you damn dragon. The king awaits your arrival. Sadly alive. ''


Prince Todoroki x Dragon Bakugou

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