[ ✓ ] Fantasy AU

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   / # Dragons

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Dragons are a beautiful and rare species of animals.
They can be as large as the tallest trees and as small as a frog.
They have the ability to fly.
Some even have the ability to breath fire and live under the sea's.
Humans have hunted them down for centuries to keep them as weapons upon wars, a toy to play with when bored, or even a just a trophy to show off their master's strength and power.
Even a dead dragon is a useful one to the humans.
Their meat is to die for and can be a delicious meal.
Their bones can be used to craft new weapons and arrows for the kingdom.
Their blood used to offer kings immortality though it is a myth, every king falls for the trick.
Their scales and teeth used as jewels and accessories to the rich and wealthy's wives.
But there is also dragons of royalty.
These dragons possess the power to create illusions and live as long as they desire.
They also have the ability to change their form.
They can be a dragon. A human. Or even both.
Their wings and scales are coated in a beautiful and fine shade of yellow as they can grow to be the size of a two story home.
A dragon that isn't of royal blood that can transform it's appearance is often disowned and left to die which is why when they are seen, they are auctioned for prices that only a true king can take.
Royal dragons are rarely seen by anyone anymore since humans have killed almost their entire bloodline.

   / # Kingdoms, Villages, and Towns

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Kingdoms are made up of multiple homes, shops, merchants, cooks, blacksmiths, etc.

Middle class people and higher classes are the ones to usually live in kingdoms.
Low class are often in the alleys, waiting for their deaths as they already know that no one will save them from it.

Kingdom's also contain a palace and some mansions.
The palace is owned by the highest class of royalty.
Example, The Todoroki Kingdom.
They are the most powerful and most feared kingdom due to King Enji.
Villages are made of a some homes, a few shops, rarely any merchants, and only a handful of cooks and blacksmiths.
There are villages that are owned by kingdoms and those villages are full of small class peasants.
They can live in houses but it's hard to survive for them.
And finally towns.
Towns are full of homes, rarely having any cooks and even rarer to have a blacksmith. There are only a few merchants every year and they are often full of people of all sorts of culture and background.
Towns are rarely seen full due to towns being a safe place for hybrids and other creatures of a decent of another.
Example, dragons, werewolf's, etc.
Now towns are abandoned and full of skeletons of creatures and homes. Some burnt to a crisp, others demolished, and some even looking as if stepped on by a giant or troll.

   / # Royal Shoto Family

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King Enji Todoroki. Most feared and powerful ruler of them all that is to be alive at the moment.
He's had four children.
Only three remain.
He has had the ability to wield fire in the palm of his hand without a burn.
This power has been passed down to his oldest son though he has died to the flames power.
Meanwhile his youngest son and his prized possession, Shoto Todoroki, he wields the same ability as his father but his flames are uncontrollable and dangerous.
Making him known as the fire demon.
He also had the ability to cool himself down to normal human temp due to his mother having the ability to wield ice.

More coming soon!

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