chapter one

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A group of half-bloods had been sent on a simple mission. Go to the underworld and retrieve Aphrodite's missing tiara.
Sure it was a stupid mission, but it was a mission nonetheless.
Chiron sent Percy, Leo, Will, Piper, and Clarisse to retrieve the tiara.
The were currently in the underworld when the hellhound attacked them.

The hellhound stomped and it send waves of force to everyone close!
Leo was blown backwards into Will and Will slipped over the edge of the cliff into Tartarus, but luckily Leo caught his hand.
Leo was now trying to pull both himself and Will up while the others were fighting the hellhound
"Could we get any help over here?!" Leo yelled loudly. Percy was the only one to hear him and as he ran towards them Leo's grip loosened and he and Will plunged into the depths of Tartarus.

Percy screamed "NO!", he was too late. The others had gotten the hellhound knocked out and were urging Percy to come with them.
But Percy stared at the pit with a blank expression.
"Percy? C'mon! Wait— where's Will and Leo?" Piper asked, confused, Clarisse walked over.
"They... th-they" Percy was on the verge of tears as he pointed to the pit
Clarisse and Piper's eyes both widened.
"Tell me your joking. Tell me right now your joking!" Clarisse exclaimed
Percy shook his head.

Will and Leo fell right into the river of sorrows.
Will's thoughts started reminding him about all the people he couldn't save, his mind kept telling him how useless he was, and how if he were stronger that maybe his brothers would still be alive.
Leo's thoughts were reminding him of how he was the cause of his mothers death. His mind kept telling him it was his fault, and that he was the least-needed member of the seven.
Will saw Leo "LEO!" He called out
"WILL?" Leo replied, trying to find the blonde boy.
They finally found each other and Will started talking. "I'm pretty sure this is that one river that takes the bad thoughts and multiplies them by like a million" he managed to speak out.
Leo nodded "Well I got that, but would you give me a boost to get out? Then I'll pull you up"
Will listened and gave Leo a boost.
Once Leo was out of the river he grabbed Will's arm and pulled him out.

Percy, Clarisse, and Piper got back to Camp-Half-Blood mostly unscathed.
Jason met them at the entrance "Hi guys! Wait- where's Leo?? And where's Will?" He asked confused.
Percy started to tear up slightly "the hellhound! It- it made a gust of wind and it made Leo fall into Will who fell into the pit! And then Leo was left holding them both up and he called to me!! BUT I DIDNT MAKE IT IN TIME" Percy practically screamed.
"Woah woah woah! Slow down! Tell me in a one word sentence, where are Leo and Will?" Jason asked, more calm then he was a few seconds ago.
"T-t-Tartarus!" Percy exclaimed.
Any calmness that Jason once had was quickly replaced with panic "WHAT?! They won't survive a day!" He said, starting to freak out. "Oh gods" Piper muttered "what are we gonna tell Nico.."
Percy shook his head quickly "It can't be me, he already blames me for Bianca!"
Clarisse sighed "I was closest with Will so he might feel better if it comes from me"
"Stop saying was as if he's dead!" Percy scolded

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