Chapter six

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It had been about a month since Leo and Will went missing. They were restless, tired, hungry all at the same time.

Leo had found more carrots so he wasn't as starved as Will was.

The finally found something when Will tripped and hit his head on a doornob, which caused a bleeding gash on his hairline.

"What's that?" Leo asked the blonde as he reached out for the handle

"I dunno but it does NOT like me" Will replied smiling.

Leo grasped the handle and pulled on the door, smacking Will with the door in the process.

They both laughed for the first time in a long time. They walked through a door and found that they were standing on a cliff, OUTSIDE.

"Oh thank Thanatos!" Leo exclaimed as he looked around

Will was in shock "How- How is this possible?!"

Leo looked at him "It's not, but I'm sure damn glad it happened"

All of a sudden a dark figure appeared next to them. "We're dead aren't we?" Will asked the figure.

The figure shooks its head "I am Thanatos, god of death. I've come to offer my assistance to two people who aren't supposed to be in Tartarus? Your friends helped me a long time ago and I'm just now remembering to return the favor" he said.

"Wait but-" Leo didn't get to finish his sentence before Thanatos turned into air.

"Alright then-" Leo said as he started walking down the cliff with Will behind him.

After about a week of walking and fighting off monsters, the two stumbled into Camp Half-blood.

"We- We're baaack~" Will tried to say before passing out, Leo not far behind him. (Really pulling a Lester aren't ya)


Camp Half-Blood had been in the middle of eating dinner when Will and Leo made their 'grand' entrance

Jason heard the commotion from the table he was sitting at and elbowed his way through the crowd until he saw Leo.

He rushed towards him "LEO!" He yelled, loud enough for the whole camp to hear. That immediately got Nico's attention.

"Huh? If Leo is here.. then Will might be here!" Nico tried to get through but the crowd was too thick.

He saw Austin and Kayla easily get through and bring Leo and Will to the infirmary.

Jason and Nico were told they couldn't see Leo and Will until after they had woken up so the two paved around, soon to be joined by Clarisse and Piper.

Kayla finally came out "Uh- so they're awake now! Seem to have suffered come injuries but they're nothing too serious" she said as the four rushed into the infirmary.

Jason and Piper went to Leo's room while Nico and Clarisse ran to Will's.

"WILL!" Nico yelled as he ran into the room


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