chapter five

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(It's getting late but I thought you all deserved another chapter rn even though it's a short one, COMMENT SOME IDEAS 👹)

Somehow, the two boys managed to find a hidden stash of carrots (don't ask how), except the only problem was that Will was deathly allergic to them so only Leo could eat them.

Leo felt horrible while eating them, but Will assured him multiple times that it was alright. They had found enough to keep a person alive for about a week or two.

They kept looking around and found a singular apple, which Will tried to split in half but Leo refused.

The next week wasn't crazy eventful for the two, they fought a few monsters, looked around for the doors as well as a place to lay low.

Both boys had already been pretty skinny, but this barely-any-food thing had taken a toll on their weight.

On their second week in Tartarus they were tired and restless at the same time. They were starting to wonder if they were actually ever going to make it out

Meanwhile at Camp Half-Blood the others were holding a funeral. Nico couldn't feel either of them so they all assumed they were dead.

It was a sad day, Nico and Jason decorated the shrouds and watched the burning ceremony, they put straw inside them because they didn't have the bodies.

Everyone was crying, their best golden retriever doctor and their #1 inventor were both believed to be dead.

Everyday Nico was in greif over Will, he couldn't feel him which means he must be dead (ha imagine- your powers must not reach to Tartarus Neeks) Nico flipped through the photo album of him and the blonde over and over, he hated how the last ever conversation he had with him was them arguing. He hated it.

Jason was listening to the voice recordings he and Leo had made together a while ago, they were full of laughs and playful insults and you could practically feel the love through the recorder. He could barely look at the Hephaestus table without shedding a tear, remembering the boy who used to light the camp up.


And idiot and a half in hell.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora