chapter two

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Nico walked up to the group, he and Will had had a horrible argument before Will left that Nico knew was his fault. He had been in the wrong and he had said some really nasty things that left both of them speechless.

"Hey guys, where's Will? I have to apologize to him.." Nico said, looking at the group as Clarisse sighed and looked at him

"Buddy... Will isn't here, neither is Leo... we ran into and issue with a hellhound and..." Clarisse couldn't bare to continue.

Nico was confused and scared "And?!"
"And.." Clarisse continued, "They fell into Tartarus" she finished as she looked down at her hands

Nico was horrified. He had barely made it out alive, and he had an advantage with being a child of Hades, most of the monsters ignored him. But Will, who wasn't amazing at fighting, and Leo, who was immature and reckless. What a great duo.

"How are we going to get them?!" Nico asked as his voice raised. The doors of death were closed so there was an even smaller chance of them escaping.

Percy sighed, "We just have to hope that they can somehow find the doors and escape I guess"

Jason was also furious. "If my boyfriend doesn't make it out alive I will fight each and every one of you" he said as he stomped back to the Zues cabin.


Leo yanked Will up by his arm from the misery water. Leo took a look around

"Hey Leo... I think the air is poisonous" Will said, also looking around. Leo looked at him oddly "Willio- my dude... air can't be poisonous"

Will glared at him "It's Will. And yes it can! I think we need to drink some of the lava stuff from that pit" he said, motioning to the giant pit of liquid fire

"Uh- are you insane? I think that'll kill us faster" Leo replied,  staring at the pit.

Will rolled his eyes "have you serious never listened to Annabeth and Percy talking about here? They said they had to drink the fire"

Leo scoffed "Well fire water won't hurt me, good luck Blondie" he said as he walked over to the fire pit.

Will walked over as well and brought some to his mouth and drank it. "See? Im fine" he said shrugging. Will pulled out a few canteens from his backpack and filled them.

And idiot and a half in hell.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora