Season 1 Introduction

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The world had ended.These things just came out of no where and bite people.They ate through the skin eating everything inside,leaving people to bleed out,and once they died they'd turn.No explanation.No cause.Just dead walking people.
If you are bit and managed to escape but are bit, you are turned to.It starts with a fever.Then the sweating,and coughing..Finally you turn.

A group of people who had met four weeks ago stayed together and shared things through the apocalypse,hoping for a rescue team.They meet and reunited with friends and family.

They make a journey to find a new place to stay at,since their last camp was recently attacked by what they call walkers.

Y/n is on the hunt for her brother after she had been separated with him.She follows a red car up a mountain and to a camp.

She meets a group of people,who ask her to join their journey to a new place to stay.

{Please be mindful ,the characters might not be exactly the same from in the real show.}

{Till the End} Daryl Dixon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now