My "stupidest" coping mechanism

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I decide, in my head, that I am a detective (to solve one small problem)

Here is a short story example in 1st person, which is extremely accurate to where/when this works for me and doesn't cause me delusions:

"I'm gonna jot a note down," I mumble to myself.

Then I realize something. I have the notebook I plan to use, but all of my pens are missing. Every single pen I had near me, and I know I had some near me yesterday. Where could they have gone...

I need one to write. My room is so messy. I'm freaking out, it's getting worse-

"This looks like a proper mystery," I whisper to myself, placing my hands on my hips.

I start to do basic cleanup, making progress over time. Sometimes I finish the whole room, or half of it. Sometimes it's a table. Sometimes, it's just putting one thing back in it's place.

"There they are," I smile.

I start to take notes.

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