First- Scarlett x reader

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In this chapter, Scarlett and reader are both teenagers.

WARNING: this will contain lesbian sex, fingering, top Scarlett, smut, a bit of chocking, eating out (idk what to call that one)
Word count: 1,500+

Y/n: your name.
Y/e/c: your eye colour.
Y/s/c: your skin colour.

It's the third of October so that means it's my birthday. Me and my girlfriend Scarlett have been planing to make love on my birthday as a birthday gift to me. Every time I go round to her large house, or she comes to mine, we always end up making out and nearly having sex, but we've made a promise to do it on one of our birthdays.

I'm 16 now. I've got two years left of school which is a relief, but it seems so far away from now. This semester has been hell. I've been getting bullied for having a girlfriend, for liking girls. Scarlett doesn't get bullied because she's beautiful and popular, everyone loves her. I'm just me. A boring girl that loves plants, Stevie Nicks, reading and obviously Scarlett.

Me and scar are walking to the hellhole that is called school. Do I want to go there? No. Do I have to go? Yes.

"Are you excited about tonight?" Scar asks looking in my y/e/c orbs.

"Yeah. I'm just nervous you know, like it's my first time. What if I do something embarrassing like fall of the bed or cum way to early? Your gonna laugh at me and I'm just going to hate myself more." I say sadly looking at the cars passing us.

"Y/n, look at me. Even if you do fall of the bed or cum to early, I wouldn't laugh or think your stupid. It's your first time, and I think your forgetting it's mine to. There's nothing to be embarrassed about baby." Scarlett says grabbing my hands and stopping me In the middle of the street.

I smile and nod.
"Yeah ok." I say and stand on my tiptoes to kiss her because she's a little taller than me.

The blonde girl grabs my cheeks and gives me sweet butterfly kisses around my face. Around my forehead, nose, cheeks and lastly my lips. I giggle and grip onto her tighter. God I love this girl.

"I love you y/n" Scarlett says truthfully looking into my eyes. She caresses my face and smiles at me.

"I love you to-" I go to say but some stupid teenager boys shout at us through a car.

"Get a room fags!" They shout laughing as they drive off.

I look down, I know that shouldn't have hurt me as much as it does, but my family have been so homophobic towards me and Scar throughout our whole relationship.

"Hey baby. Look at me. Ignore them. I'll sort them out when we get at school. I beat their ass." She says, a playful grin playing at her mouth at the end of her speech.

I laugh and grab her hand to continue waking to school, the chilly weather nipping at our skins.

We get in school and see our favourite teacher.

"Hey girls! How are you doing today?" She asks with excitement in her tone. Ms.Blanchett is like family to me. She's been my teacher for years, and lets me stay in her office with her at dinner if scar isn't there. She knows about my real family. How they verbally abuse me with homophobic slurs. She has a son who is gay too. He's a bit older than me but is great friends with Scarlett and I.

I smile and reply.
"Hey ms.Blanchett. How can you be so chipper? We're in this shithole." I say sarcastically hating the fact that we're here.

"Language" she replies laughing.
"But between me and you, I hate getting up early too, coming to school. But I love it at the same time." She whispers, making me and Scarlett chuckle.

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