Life Changes

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(A/N): Ok the gift I got myself is gonna arrive in next week, so yeah I can wait. Also I'm pretty shit at Valorant I just fucking hate being bad, I need to get gud. I need to rank up T-T. I'm bronze this season. 


Stopping his run to look at the midnight sky with the full Moon showing all of it's glory making it look mystical while just taking in the moment.


"I am grateful to be your friend Suisei."

Taking in a deep breathe of air, just appreciating what he got got now in his life and smiling to himself

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Taking in a deep breathe of air, just appreciating what he got got now in his life and smiling to himself.

Sora: "Alright! Lets make Suisei an idol."

He takes off in the night jumping from building to building with extreme agility, and speed.

Running and jumping without stop until he made it to the Orphanage. He doesn't want to return to this place but he has no choice, plus his book in the room might hold some knowledge that can help Suisei to become an Idol.

Sora: "I just need to endure it for her."

He swiftly made his way to his room while ignoring some insults thrown his way by the residents in the orphanage.

Getting in his room, and he can see the scorch mark that was left behind from Shiro. It really irked him that his room is now a mess but he didn't complain as all of his stuff isn't destroyed by the fire it's just sprawled all over the floor.

Sora: "*Sigh* Well, lets get to work."

Sora began tidying his room but not with much enthusiasm while doing it.


Sora: "Alright now it looks normal!"

It took him some time tidying it all up, especially his book as those he took extra care for, and he also made sure to those books back in place from when he remembered.

While placing back his books he realized he doesn't have any book at all that touch on the subject of becoming an Idol or any related matter at all.

Sora: "*Sigh* Guess I'll try going to the library to see if there are books."

Making up his mind he got ready to dash to the library.

Sora: "Wait!... What time is it?"

He looked to his clock hanging on the wall and it showed the time is 12:36 AM.

Sora looking at the clock with a dead face as he just realized the Library doesn't open at this point of time so he did the one thing to fast forward time.

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