chapter 3

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I could feel the redness on my face as I composed myself to go into the common room. There were a few stragglers before bed, so i crept up to the dorm. I closed the door to my dorm as quietly as I possibly could've, and yet I was still greeted to Blaise sat on my bed demanding answers.
"I was just doing the potions work."
"Until after curfew?"
"Potter was late"
"Fine, if you say so"
"I do say so." I walked to my bedside table and opened the cupboard and put the box of glass vials inside. Then I pretended to look for something until I heard Blaise go back out to the common room, and I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I lay awake in my bed questioning that whole interaction. Why was Blaise asking so many questions? Did he not trust me? He's my best friend, why is it so hard for him to trust me? "hey Draco?" Speak of the devil. "What, Blaise?"
"Can we talk?"
"I guess" He drew open the curtains to my four poster and sat at the end of my bed. I sat up and decided to just stare until he told me what he wants. "Draco- you know it's okay if you, you know.." He trailed off. "If I what, Blaise?"
"Are dating someone, even if it's a-" He swallowed. "Just spit it out Blaise." All that followed was an unintelligible grumble. I pushed him to speak up. Another grumble. I looked at him expectantly. "A guy."
"A guy? You think I'm with a guy? Even if I was into guys, I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. You know how our parents feel about that sort of thing." I snorted. "Besides I'll probably get auctioned off to some Slytherin girl that my parents chose. I don't have room to be into men!" I whisper-shouted, thanking merlin for the silencing spell around our beds. Blaise just looked shocked at my outburst. "Well, I think you have some things to work out mate. And believe me when I say Pansy and I are here to listen." He got up and started walking back to his own bed before turning. "You know we aren't our parents, right?" I buried my head in my pillows and groaned. Could he be right?



I watched Draco stand out in the hallway for a moment before going into the common room. I couldn't help but admire. I mean I'm not gay but there was just something about him. fucking hell what am I thinking? Just go to bed Harry, you're exhausted.

As soon as I entered the common room I got ambushed by Hermione. "Merlin Hermione, give me a second to breathe!" I shouted over her. She took a step back and looked at me expectantly. I just sighed and took her hand, leading her to the sofa in front of the fire. "You're more invested in this than I am 'Mione" I chuckled, getting comfortable. "You really want everything? Well we didn't talk much other than what we needed to for the potion." She looked disappointed. "But. when I got hot and took off my jumper, I think he was looking at me? And we used the invisibility cloak to get back after we finished and I was behind him and he smelled amazing 'Mione. Like expensive cologne, but like more earthy almost? Like you know the rich people that cart themselves off to fancy campsites in the mountains and near waterfalls and stay in fancy campervans?" I stammered through the whole way. "Hermione, are you okay?" She nodded "Yeah I'm living through you right now because my person of interest wouldn't look sideways at me. so please, continue" I laughed at her confession and continued my rambling "Well after I dropped him off, I stood in the corridor to watch him get ready to go in and he is so fit 'Mione. like I'd never really noticed before how attractive he is."

Suddenly we were interrupted by a groggy Ron coming out of the dorms and seeing us on the sofa. "Whatcha doin?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Hermione looked at me, asking for permission to tell Ron about my feelings and I mouthed 'not yet'. I wasn't sure how he'd react. Hermione made up an excuse about getting caught up talking about the OWLs coming up and Ron outwardly groaned. "I'm going back to bed then, I'm clearly not missing much." Hermione and I both chirped out a goodnight to Ron. Which he waved his hand to dismiss. Hermione and I locked eyes and started laughing.

Safety Blanket (drarry)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora