Chapter 5

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Harry, Draco and Pansy stumbled into the room basically falling over eachother. "You're late." Snape remarked, annoyance present in his voice. The tree stammered out quick apologies before making their way to their desks. Draco sat beside me and hurriedly took out parchment and his quill. He looked over at me, eyes filled with affection. I wasn't used to him looking at me, but the gesture was more than welcome. I glanced behind him at my friends and their partners, there was an air of warmth between them that I had never noticed before. Hermione looked back at me and grinned brightly, I was glad she was happy. Merlin knows they both deserve happiness.

My focus was drawn back to the front of the class where Snape was teaching. He was rattling off about what we would need to do in our OWLs. It seemed like every lesson absolutely had to be focussed on the exams, despite them being months away. I started doodling aimlessly in the corner of my parchment, silently willing the class to become more interesting. Before I knew it, the class had come to an end. I shoved my belongings into my bag and went to leave for dinner. Draco soon stopped me by grabbing my shoulder. "Where do you think you're going? We need to hand in the assignment." I looked at him, confused. "That's not due for another week, Draco." He rolled his eyes. "I know but I want to get it in now so we can have it checked for improvement before grading." I just nodded in agreement to what he wanted to do and followed him to the front of the class. Draco produced a vial of the potion, tied to some rolled up parchment and sealed with an emerald green wax seal. I admired his attention to detail as he handed it over to Snape.

Draco motioned for me to walk with him and I looked back to Ron and Hermione, mouthing that I would meet them soon. I followed Draco to the astronomy tower, and closed the door behind me. It was quiet and empty, as everyone had made their way to the great hall for dinner. As soon as I had shut the door, I had found myself pinned to it. Draco's arms around my neck and his lips firmly pressed to mine. I smiled into the kiss and soon reciprocated. I allowed my hands to get caught in his platinum hair. Draco's hands snaked down to rest on my hips, pulling me closer to him. His lips travelled to my neck, they lingered just below my jawline and then moved down to my collarbones. He paused and rested his head on my shoulder, panting. I let him rest for a moment before I reached for his chin and lifted it with two fingers to face me. His face was red and his hair was unruly, I had never seen him like this, and I savoured the sight. "Just needed to do that, I hope you don't mind." He sighed, placing his head back on my shoulder. "Not at all. In fact, I invite you to do that again."



I made sure to enter the great hall a minute after Harry to avoid suspicion. Blaise and Pansy may be cool with it, but most other Slytherins would report back to my father. I shuddered at the thought and took my seat beside Pansy. Blaise was mysteriously missing, as was a certain ginger. I laughed to myself and looked across the hall to Harry and nodded towards the empty seats. I decided to leave Harry to his meal and turned to Pansy.

We had talked until it was just us and our Gryffindors, alongside a few stragglers left in the hall. We decided that was our cue to leave, and Hermione and Harry followed suit. They caught up with us just outside the great hall. Hermione asked if we wanted to do homework together, the two clearly had updated eachother during dinner. Pansy and I looked at eachother before nodding and following Harry and Hermione to the library. We found an empty corner and sat down in one of the booths. I slid in next to Harry, leaving an open seat next to pansy for Hermione. Hermione cast a silencing spell so that we could talk freely without the fear of being overheard. The energy was lighter than it would've been 3 weeks ago, we had all finally learned to enjoy eachother's company in light of the new forming relationships. The table was a mess of parchment and open books, that for the most part were not looked at. I soon found myself acting as Harry's pillow, however I was not complaining. 

Eventually, we had decided that it was time to go back to our dorms. Hermione and Pansy lead the way, and I had used this opportunity to grab Harry and hide behind a bookshelf to sneak some alone time. His lips were addictive and I knew I would be restless tonight without it tonight. We were interrupted by the girls clearing their throats and announcing that it was past curfew already.

Pansy and I met Blaise outside the common room, clearly on his way in too. We found an empty sofa and started chatting, it was obvious we all had excess giddy energy from our encounters. We were soon joined, however by Crabbe and Goyle. Our conversation soon shifted to the upcoming christmas holidays and our plans. Pansy spoke excitedly about her skiing trip with her family, and I had heard from a little green-eyed birdie that Hermione would be at the same resort. the rest of us had no plans except to be home with family. But I wanted nothing more than to be with Harry over the holidays, as opposed to my father. Which reminded me, I need to teach Harry how to encrypt letters. The last thing I need this christmas was my father knowing about my relationship with enemy no 1.  The fire soon started to die out, willing us to let the evening end. We all scaled the stairs to our dorms.


A/N i just remembered that umbridge was DADA teacher this year oops, I'm gonna write her in now. also i promise angst is coming soon, like next chapter soon.


I caught up to Draco in the hallway outside DADA, he looked more on edge than usual. "Ferret!" I greeted, tapping in on the shoulder. My voice snapped him out of whatever he was thinking about, making him jump. "Oh! Hey, scarhead." He smiled, but I could see in his eyes that he was still thinking about whatever was worrying him. He must've caught my worried expression, because he reassured me that he was fine. I knew better than to push him on it, but I didn't want to drop it. Umbridge interrupted us, by calling us in to the classroom. Draco was sat across the aisle from me and I could see him digging his nails into his palms. He looked up at my face and smiled quickly before looking back at the same page he had been staring angrily at for five minutes. 

When Umbridge was caught in a disagreement with Seamus, he seized the opportunity to scribble out a note and pass it across to me. I unfolded it and read it quietly to myself.
meet me at the lake during our free period.
I folded it back up and tucked it in my pocket before looking up and nodding. He visibly sighed in relief and went back to working. This lesson couldn't go any slower, Umbridge's shrill voice going on and on relentlessly. 

When she finally shut up, I threw everything on my desk into my bag and rushed out the door. I was anxious to get to the hall to fill up before I went to the lake, not sure the food would stay down due to my nerves. As soon as I was joined by my friends, I explained that Draco wanted to see me and grabbed an extra tart and apple before I left. I practically sprinted to the lake, ideas of why he wanted to see me swarming my mind. When I finally reached the lake, I saw Draco waiting by a tree for me. I slowed down to a walk before reaching him. Wordlessly, I handed him the food I had gotten him and sat beside him.

"Harry." He broke the silence, and I was thankful for the excuse to stop thinking. His voice alone never failed to stop any thoughts. "Draco." I smiled in return. "So the holidays are coming up and I want to be able to talk to you while I'm away from the castle, but my dad will have me hung if he finds out about us. So I want to teach you how to make it so that he can't read our letters, because again he will kill me if he finds out-" I stopped his rambling by placing a finger on his lips. "Draco, darling. Shut up." He looked shocked at me telling him to shut up. "Rambling, as cute as it is from you, is only taking up the limited time we have before christmas." He nodded, now thankful. "Okay, do you want to learn the charm?" I shuffled closer and nodded at him.


okay guys, another chapter down! sorry this one took forever, i lost the motivation to write for a few days but i knew i wanted to get it out before therapy today. this weekend, my friends and i binged all of the movies, so the plot is alot clearer in my head now. 

wordcount- 1613 <3

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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