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Take my advice,
  ~Sometimes you really should judge a book by its cover.
            I've probably learned this the hard way. Sighs. Have you ever had death look you in the face and like it's still looking at you,right this moment. It totally sucks,believe me. Most times,I just wished I hadn't wanted a great life,like those movie celebrities (P.S:Their lives aren't so great really,ugh scratch that!)
     I already had this perfect life laid out,more like my parents had it laid out for me,not that I didn't like it though.giggles.
         I'd go to law school, pass the bar, get into one of this top firms : 'Annie preston firm' to be precise and the likes,then Boom! I'd be stinking rich,you know.
    Until I'd watched this ridiculously interesting mystery movie,it's really popular.you should probably watch it. What was the name again??,yeah Sherlock Holmes. (P.s:Sometimes, God's plan's really different from yours)- ughh! Bad post-script, scratch that. So, this dude 'sherlock' was some detective guy with those 90s coats and guns and knives and detective thingys( really bad-ass like) and I was like 'Damnnn!' I definitely wanna be this guy when I grow up.( P.s:yeah ,I watched Sherlock Holmes in high school,Incase you wondering). That's how my life changed- shitty right?Instead of law school,I studied criminology in Yale(pretty big school right!) For your information,I'm not a first class student. (Not like I couldn't brag that I was,but yeah,I wasn't -first class isn't really a big deal to me,pfft!) I was more like in-between.i wasn't a sucker for classes,missed some,but yeah,I graduated -that's the whole point right?! So,I got into the police academy after that (Top student shit!) It was kinda fun,you know. Workout drills,shooting contests, classes. Yeahh, and those drink-out parties we had.Totally epic( Bob Werner was the ultimate host.he had this big penthouse,ocean-view vibes, sun-kissed beach afront, leisure hotspots around- you get the picture). Incase you wondering AGAIN Bob's 'penthouse' was the closest to home for most of us-at the police academy. (Not like we had homes that ...what's the word?- I think you should get the full picture by now). Those were the good'ol days. Now! I was probably facing hell,not hell as in fire and all. Hell like real fire and all,yeahh!!sobs. Before you move on,please note : there's no 'sherlock holmes' mystery in this world. It's just deranged killers,and not-too-normal victims like you and me. I'd probably meet my nightmare,before living to tell this story. Sobs again!

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