Chapter 9

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~Between the devil and the deep blue sea

This was one of those situations. But this time there was no deep blue sea----just the devil. I had already had this gut feeling that we were walking into a trap, if only I had listened. I held my gun tightly. Whosoever had locked the gate,would be preparing to attack us anytime soon.
  Slowly, I walked to the room's entrance,my gun forward.
I heard running footsteps,then gunshots downstairs. Looks like Marcus's had his own fair share of trouble. I stepped outside,staring down the aisle----nothing. I strode carefully, checking backwards most of the time. Prat!, A bullet whizzed past my head. I froze. My head was the only moving part of my body. I looked around to make sure I didn't get ambushed.
   Prat!,This time my unknown attacker aimed well,The bullet striking  me on the thigh. I groaned. I fell, knee down, to the floor. This shit is tucking painful, I wanted to scream.
   "This shit is ducking painful" I actually did yell that out. I gripped my thigh,blood oozing freely from it. I was still trying to pinpoint the exact location. The aisle was narrow, and a few doors on my sides. Could it be a sniper? I thought. But where exactly? As I was busy figuring it out, I saw it----exactly where my attacker was. He wasn't a sniper though, considering that he was at least four rooms on my right from me. I'd say he was a very good marksman----very very good. He was leaning on the window of the fourth room. (P.s: From one window,you could see what was going on in the other rooms. Since the windows were same length and same sides of the walls----you get the picture).  Right now,unknown guy couldn't see me, but I'd see him however. I hid under the window sill, just against the wall.
Slowly, I opened the door to the first room. Seems he hadn't noticed, cos he wasn't shooting again. Either that, or he was waiting for the right time to shoot at me again. Did he think I was already dead? That was certainly another option. I crept into the room. There was a door at the end of the room. Probably leading into the second room. I lay flat against the floor, and crawled my way to the door.
  Just like before,I opened it slowly, peering inside first. There was nobody inside----not even boxes. Unknown guy was seemed closer. I grabbed gently at the window sill, and pulled my head up slowly. I wanted to confirm his position, before I attacked him. The window sill was weak, and as I grabbed, I removed a good chunk of it. Without balance, I fell backward, landing with a loud Thud!
   Unknown guy seemed to notice, because he began firing repeatedly at the window. Cement chunks burst right into my face. I covered my face, waving my hand to wade off the dust.
"Fuck!" I cussed under my breath.
"Fuck!" I cussed again silently. Unknown guy stopped firing for a second. Then I heard the footsteps. He was cautiously approaching the room I was in. I leaned against the wall,just before the door. I cocked my gun,ready. The footsteps stopped.
He burst open the door. In that split second, I grabbed his arm, swung it over my head, and flipped. He came crashing down in an instant. His gun was roped to his neck. He tried to grab for it. I stomped his hand, he yelped. I kicked his crotch----peeeniiiissss. He cringed slowly, covering his peeeniissss with his hands.
"Who are you guys?!" I asked. He was still groaning. I don't think he had heard me.
"Who the hell sent you guys?!" I yelled. I pointed the gun to his head. He slowly turned to face me and started-----laughing. Laughing? I scoffed.
"You think this is a joke right?!" I struck his head with the butt of my gun. He rubbed the swollen part hard,still laughing. What the actual fuck though!
   "If you don't talk---"
"You'll kill me" he laughed. This guy really had some sort of mental whatever. I laughed too. He really thought this was a joke. I pointed the gun to his head.
"Start talk----" Splooshh!! Blood splattered all over my face. I could taste neutrons-----and brains,gross. I wiped my face clean,in time to see the culprit attempt a getaway. Oh no, you don't. I pickwd up pace and chased after him.
   He was just running on the same lane, smashing through the doors-----which made things easier. I just had to run through the rubble. The guy wasn't stopping he kept on running----and smashing.
"Ughhh!" I grunted. I chased after him. In a quick moment,he swiveled, facing me and shot. I jumped sideways, crashing against the wall. He fired two shots and continued running. I struggled to stand up, gripping my shoulder. I wasn't gonna let him get away. I continued on his heel. The warehouse was starting to feel very big, as it felt like there was no end to this----running. I fired two shots to his back. He staggered forward, almost falling, but kept on running. The Douche!!
"Just stop,or I'm gonna pull the trigger anyways!" I threatened,still running after him.
"I'm already dead anyway" he retorted. What did he mean? He had been running in this direction throughout,so there must be some sort of door at the other side----or not. I gripped the railings just in time as I watched him jump off.
To his death?

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