Chapter 6

11 6 1

~Imagine judging a book without covers

Saturday is top on my dirty-laundry-too-much-work-and-really-nothing-to-do list of days. Actually it's the only day on that list. I already had lots of tasks piled up for today.

                   Tom's to-do list

. Dirty laundry
2. House make-over (optional)
3. Shop for groceries(optional too)
4. Meet Marcus
5. Still meet Marcus
6.  A meeting with Marcus at the office
That's all I've got piled up for today. I think I'll skip the laundry part. Turning a not-so-great apartment into one not-too-so-great was a big ordeal for me. I mean, I just moved in. And there were boxes to be moved and repairs to be made. At noon, I had almost finished---almost. (P.s : I woke up really early to do this,let's say 4-ish). My cellphone rang.
I dusted my hands on my lap and picked it up.
"Tom here" I cleared my throat. My breath really stunk. I think I should get a mouthwash.
"Tom, I need you at the office right now" Marcus was yelling.
"Ehmm, Marcus sir,I'm really busy naw" I chuckled. It was very easy to rile-up Marcus.
  "What the heck are you busy with?!" He growled over the phone. "I just got a lead". Finally,I muttered.
  " I'll be there,Marcus sir" I hung up. I guess grocery shopping is crossed off the list now.

Marcus was leaning on his car when I arrived.
"Get in" he rounded to the driver seat and slide in. I parked my car along the same curb and got into his.
   "Where are we----"
"Sophia Knowles" he pulled into gear on reverse.
  "Okay" I dragged,then fondled with the seat-belt. " Who's she?"
  "The killer's yesterday victim" he answered. He pulled out of the parking lot and drove north.
  "So,ehmm,you have your own parking space?" I asked innocently. He gave me this the-fuck-you-saying-bro look. "Nevermind" I mumbled.
  "We'll go collect the autopsy report for Alice sabath, then pay Sophia Knowles's fiance a visit" his eyes stayed on the road.
  "She had a fiance?" I asked. He gave me the look again.
"The crybaby guy from yesterday" he answered.
"Oh" I sighed. The drive was a long one.
"About the 345----"
"It's some abandoned warehouse at the end of town" he told me almost immediately.
"Are we----"
"We'll raid it in the night" he seriously didn't want me to say anything. Annoyed pout.
"Why the----"
"It's usually the best time to catch bad guys" he wasn't even looking at me! Ughhhh. Marcus sir really was annoying.

Jake Stephen looked alot like Gru, from that popular Nickelodeon cartoon. Big head, over-sized sacks as body and somewhat thin legs. Sorry, I'm just not good at describing people. Anyways, he was Sophia's fiance. Really, what did she see in the guy though.
"Jake Stephen" he stretched his hand. Like I don't know already.
"Tom Bradford" I shook his hand. Marcus just waved. "Marcus" he said after.
  "Please come in" Jake ushered us into his apartment. The guy really had solid taste in decorating houses----apartments precisely. The house interior had this homey feeling, sea blue and cream plastered all the way to the hall walls. A mahogany table and stools,here and there. Glass furniture, few more inches then mine TV set and 90s home theatre. No wonder she was interested in him. I sighed.
"What should I get you?" He was grinning at us.
"Coffee would be fine " Marcus replied.
"That and a cigar stick " I answered. Jake nodded and left.
"Really big house?" I turned to Marcus. He wasn't answering.
  "Pissed off this morning?" Or afternoon, whichever. His mood just hadn't been good .
"Nope,just bothered" he sighed. We really should find this killer----and fast.
"Here we go" Jake set the tray down. I took one of the cups. Coffee and whipped cream. Just how I liked it. I lit my cigar, then sipped coffee---slowly.
  "What did you want to talk about?" Jake was sitting now. Marcus sipped his coffee.
"What's your relationship with Sophia Knowles?" He asked not looking up. Wasn't the guy, her fiance. I wondered. Jake was a bit taken aback.
"Look,I've told you detective, she's my fianceé" he motioned with his hands as if trying to make a point. Marcus dropped his coffee mug down. He was staring intently at Jake. I just scooted backward on the couch. Didn't want to be caught in-between this battle of GAZES.
  "Where were you that afternoon before she died?" Marcus crossed his legs and leaned in.
  "I-I already told you before detective---" he stopped,this time standing up.
"If you're trying to insinuate that I had a hand in my fianceé's death,then you're totally wrong!" He was almost screaming now---almost.
  "Calm down and take a seat Jake" I tried to pacify the already flared-up Jake stephens. He mumbled something under his breath, then sat quietly.
  "You two had a fall-out before her death?" Marcus asked.
"No" Jake said hastily.
"Your finger-print says otherwise" Marcus seemed calm. He took out a file and handed it to me. I looked at the header. AUTOPSY REPORT . Looks like it belonged to dear Mrs Knowles. She'd died roughly forty-two minutes before the police had found her body. Blood Loss. I squinted to look at the side note. It showed a match to the finger-prints found on Sophia's bruised wrist.
  "You know who killed her" I was looking at him now.
"I-I don't understand what you're saying" Jake shifted uneasily in his seat. Then stood.
" If all you'll do detective,is blame me for my fianceé's death,and I advise you leave---"
  "She must have been killed somewhere around that vicinity" I started.
"Please le----"
"Somewhere people wouldn't really notice" I tossed the cigar into the ashtray.
"Detective ----"
" Somewhere you'd easily drag her from" I added.
   " I'll pretend I didn't hear that,please---"
"I know you didn't kill her Jake, who did?" Marcus was the one asking questions now.
"Him" Jake's voice sank. He fell into the chair.
"Him?" I asked,wanting to hear more.
  "The thief----" he said. "I never really saw his face"

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