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Uhm hii???

I-I'm Leah Abigail Garcia, 15 years old, 4rth year na for this pasukan.

My family is rich, because my dad owned a business, and my mom is running her owned bakery.

So you can all guess what my status in life.

Maybe you all think?? That I'm lucky. Yeah I am if about money. But family?? They were so strick that sometimes, I felt that I'm in the cage, that all I want is to be free.

The only escape I have is every Christmas and new year.

Everytime i'm with my other relatives. Specially when I'm with my bestfriend.

My bestfriend is the only thing I have.

But this last Christmas, she kiss me!! Something happened, she told me she love me.

And I know that was wrong!!!

I know i should stop her!! But my body can't!! I'm getting weak every second she touch me. Every kiss?? I love it!! And the more we do it, I'm getting addicted and addicted to her.

I wanted too, to hold her, to touch her, to kiss her!! But I'm holding my self!! What we were doing is wrong.

I cant control her, because I know she just want to made me fell how much she love me.

even my body I can't control it!! But I'm badly holding my self to kiss her, or to touch her!!

I don't want to add another sin. If I touch her!! Or even if i kiss her.

Everytime I'm with her, I'm always in the middle of battling in my mind what to do!! Or should I follow my body.

I don't know what to do. Everytime I'm with her!! I dont even know what is right and what is wrong.

Because all I think what we were doing is right!!

But my mind telling me how my mom will get mad if she will find out, of how scared I am to be a disappointed to them.

I cant lied to you guys!! Maybe if I'm with her my mind was fuzzy, and I felt I'm being crazy in every touch of hers.

But when she's gone?? Left me in my room.

I felt empty and I felt I'm getting crazy from missing her. Until now!! There's no seconds I forget about her, reminiscing what we did last Christmas.

I miss her!! So much!! I miss every part of her!!!

I remember, I told her I will text her. But I didn't got the change when my mom confiscated my phone, for no reason.

I don't know what to do. I'm sure she has so many questions on her mind, but I'm sure too na she will understand my situation.

Its already June. 6months to go. I will see her again. And that's only keep my self to keep going.

Im excited to see her.

"abigail!! Someone waiting for you" - mom shouted

Im here at my bedroom hugging my bestfriend pillow, I love her scent it makes me calm.

I don't know whom my mom talking about. Because Im not expecting anyone. Specially that I don't have friends.

I heavy sighed, before going out to my bedroom.

Once I reach the sala, I furrowed my eyebrow when i saw a guy sitting there holding a bouquet.

"Abigail, meet your suitor william" - mom introduced him to me

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