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Michael walked into the dressing room bathroom, staring at his reflection in the small mirror. He had dark bags under his eyes from being sleep deprived, he was paler, much skinnier because of the depression. He was a mess. His skin was itching for cold metal or sharp glass to be slid against it, or pills to go down his throat. "NO!" He yelled to himself, gripping onto the sink so hard his knuckles turned white. The pill bottle in his pocket shook and made noise, the blades in his other pocket making the same sound.
Do it
It'll make everyone happier
Just do it

"SHUT UP!" Michael screamed and punched the glass mirror out of anger, making the graffiti covered glass shatter everywhere. Michael fell against the wall and slid down to the dirty tiled floor, his knuckles bruised and bleeding from the glass piercing his skin. Michael loved the painful feeling. "I can't." He sobbed and shakily went into his pocket, taking out the blades and the pills. He rolled up his leather jacket sleeves and took out the thickest blade he had, slicing his skin 20 times on each arm. He shakily opened the pill bottle and swallowed every little pill at once, closing his eyes. Michael didn't feel Luke come in and pick him up off the floor, he didn't hear Luke crying "Please stay with us.", he didn't see Luke repeatedly kissing his scars as he slept. But, Michael did wake up and see Luke crying as he hugged him, peppering his face with kisses and saying how much loved him and how sorry he was for no noticing how he felt.

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