Chapter 3

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This chapter has not been edited or revised. We apologise for any errors in advance 


I woke up lost and confused, my whole body hurt. It took me some time to figure out where I was. This cell with iron bars was damp and dark, there was one tiny window that I couldn't reach, and the whole place smelled of death. My body felt oddly numb and tingly in all the inappropriate places and apart from that, the lower part of my stomach was hurting badly. My head was pounding with pain. My memories slowly started to come back to me as I slowly got up to stretch my limbs. I had been cursed. My father and mother were shouting at the old hag that stood in the main hall, throwing accusations at her. The hag glanced at me, her teeth were rotten and her face all wrinkled up. Then I remembered the green light and nothing after that. This was probably the moment when she cast her spell on me.

Then the memories from a few hours earlier rushed through me like a tornado, and I gasped.

"This wasn't a dream, the monster that kissed me isn't real," I said to myself, feeling painful cramps in the lower part of my stomach. I started taking long deep breaths, feeling something wet and sticky between my legs all of a sudden. Luckily, the monster didn't chain me to the wall, so I could move freely.

The cell itself had a musty smell that made me feel claustrophobic, and I couldn't shake this feeling of being trapped. Then I remembered his lips on mine and I shuddered. "You didn't like it," I told myself, not even knowing that I was speaking so loudly to myself, but I was alone so this was all right. His tentacles were scary, slimy and wet, but I couldn't deny it that I felt something towards him—something scary but feral. My heart pounded, and my hands were wet with sweat when he was so close, but no one had ever kissed me like that before.

When Philip's lips brushed over mine, I enjoyed it, but he never made me want to lose control like the man with tentacles that broke the hag's curse. I had no idea what had happened to my whole family after I had been cursed. I must have been asleep for a very long time. Baadas claimed that he killed everyone, my entire family, but was this really the truth?

I panted, taking long deep breaths, and then I reached out with my hand between my legs. I touched myself and then examined my bloodied fingers, thinking that this couldn't have been any worse moment to get my period. When I got up, I started hearing some noises in the background, someone was coming. Suddenly, the door to my cell opened, and two men appeared, one of them started opening the cell.

"The master wants to see you, princess," one of them said, walking inside.

I wiped the blood over my dress and then stood up. My body was stiff and achy, but I felt all right in myself. My dress was dirty, and I really needed to have a bath, which was ironic, because I knew I wouldn't get one in these circumstances.

"Fine, just take me to him," I said with a demanding tone of voice. I didn't know much at all, but I know that I was still Princess Aurora, so I always going to hold my head high. They started taking me through the long and dark dungeon. I took in my surroundings. I saw other cells, some with people in them, others empty. The smell of blood, sweat and just death was very intense and made me feel nauseous, but I told myself that I wasn't going to be afraid.

My stomach was still cramping, and my blood was rolling between my legs. The monster would probably smell it on me, and this was going to be embarrassing. I wasn't sure if he was going to kill me or let me go, because I couldn't imagine staying with him.

As we turned a corner, I saw a figure in the distance. It was the man that resembled someone. I stopped and grabbed the bars as hope flickered through me.

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