What does your family think of them

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Wednesday: Lucas is an over protective brother he always has been especially when it comes to relationships so you were surprised when he said he was ok with it though you learn later he did tell Wednesday that he'll burn her like a witch if she hurts you
Your dad is so happy though he is a little weary with you dating an Addams but doesn't show it

Enid: Your dad was ecstatic when he found out you had a girlfriend and absolutely adored Enid when he met her he treated her like his own daughter
Your papa got a little over protective at first when he heard you had a girlfriend but after he met her he knew she was perfect for you

Bianca: Wednesday no surprise threaten her but otherwise " didn't" really care ( she sends Thing to spy on you guys when your on dates)
Pugsley is really happy for you and gets along surprisingly well with Bianca
Gomez loves that he's little crow found someone to love and absolutely loves Bianca
Morticia loves Bianca and thinks you two go really well together she even invited her to come over during the summer

Yoko: Toby absolutely loves her and thinks you two are literally soulmates.
Hypnos really likes her as well but can be a bit protective when it comes to his little girl.
Thanatos is the overprotective uncle but he likes her and thinks she's a good match for you.
Hesita is like a mother figure to you so of course she also had to have an opinion but of course she loves her she loves how Yoko is with you and like Toby absolutely loves her
Nyx also really likes her

Divina: Enid was ecstatic when she found out you were dating she and Kent both set up little dates for you

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