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'.....' your thoughts
A bit about what happened to your biological parents
Your POV- I jolted awake wide eyed, tears flowing down my face, trying to catch my breath, I've been having nightmares for the past couple of weeks well not exactly nightmares more like flashbacks, I've been having dreams of when my parents died ever since we've been learning about the Phoenix rose and it went into flames. The dreams are so vivid to what actually happened, the smell of burning wood, my father carrying me outside, him going back in for my mother, the sirens, my parents getting put into the ambulance, and finally the sound of my father's heart flatlining. This was the scariest one yet and I didn't feel safe alone in my dorm so I decided why not go to Enid's dorm thinking her and Wednesday would be asleep and just stay there till morning just so I'm not alone.
When I got there I was greeted by an awake Wednesday. 'Shit'
Wednesday POV- I was having writers block, why you may not ask, cause my girlfriend yn. She's been looking an awful lot more tired lately she has been almost sleeping in class, and started skipping botanical sciences I will admit I am getting concerned. I was talking about it with Thing when all of a sudden my dorm room door opened revealing my girlfriend. "What are you doing here mi amor it's way to late you should be in your dorm" I said getting up and walking towards her. As I get closer I can see she's shaking a lot. "Darling what happened?" I asked more like demand. "Nothing Wends its stupid anyway sorry for bothering you" she said her voice shaking.
Before she can leave I grab her arm and pull her towards me and soften my facial expression. "You aren't bothering me and clearly it isn't stupid if it has you in a state like this" I said calmly (soft Wednesday hours). "Now please tell me what's wrong". She look down then mumble "I had a nightmare". "Is this the first time?" I ask. She shook her head no. "How much sleep have you been getting?". "2-3 hours" she said. My eyes widened at that answer. "How long has this been going on for?" I ask. "Two weeks almost" she said. I shook my head and picked her up making her flinch a little, I brought her over to my bed. I decided to leave the rest of my questions to tomorrow for right now she needs some sleep. I put her under the sheets and got up behind her and held her close. After she fell asleep I gave her a kiss on the head and held her closer then drifted off to sleep.

464 words

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