Into the unknown

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After dad leaves, I start following the shadow and wich it leads me to outside into a secret path I've never in my life seen before. I get chills down my spine as I watch the shadow in horror fade into the darkness of the cave. There's something wrong with this place, but what?
The cave looks different somehow, like there are new things lurking within the shadows of the rock walls. It's a feeling I've had a few times before, but now that I'm actually here it feels even worse than before. 
Before I leave, I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down before I enter further into the dark, creepy cave. The air smells musty and old here, making it seem even darker than it should be. But the strange thing was, there wasn't any wind or sound of water. Maybe I'd just happen to find myself in a place where I feel trapped all of a sudden...What is this place?...was hearing my own heartbeat instead of some echo or trick of the caves. Whatever it was, I didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.
But I didn't have much time to think about it because I was so scared of what was waiting inside the cave, waiting for me.
With shaking hands. I'd hope I was just imagining things this time. And maybe there were other reasons why mom left. Like, he was worried I couldn't handle everything and that there was some bigger monster waiting in the caves. Or maybe he knew something I didn't, something big that would scare me forever. Either way, I still don't know what this place is. Oh god, I pray I don't stay here any longer.. And it seems too late to find out now. So after I check out the area one last time, I decide to turn back and return to the light. I step out of the cave, back onto the road, and I'm immediately tackled into the middle of nowhere.

Into The Abyssحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن