This is the end of everything, or is it?

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I'm sad. This wouldn't have happend if that shadow never came in my life, or if I never followed it. I wish I wasn't so dumb, I want my life back. I go to the back of the graveyard searching for a way out but I just end up getting lost instead. I sigh and finally find the exit. "I think I remember the way to my house." I go to find my house, instead of finding a nicely built house I see it burned down and piles of wood burnt. I want to cry but I cannot feel anything, all I can do is watch in horror. "Who did this to my lovely house..?" I say. All of a sudden I feel something, "wait..Ghost can't feel stuff..Does this mean?.." I am a human again, all it took was to get out my grave and to finally..Feel something again. All of a sudden I black out and wake up in a hospital bed. I was in a coma for 5 and a half years the doctors said. I find my parents standing near the bed balling their eyes out. "Oh, my dear Audrey you are awake!" "She's here!" Both my parents say it at the same time. I scream in terror wondering what in the holy spirit happend.

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