Its the end?

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I move towards the "thing" but as I do I slowly notice its mouth opening wider and wider. I can't stop myself from coming any closer, all I can do is watch my life flash before my eyes as I get closer to the shadow lady. God knows what will happen if I come any closer.."Please don't make me come any closer". She ignores me and I find myself blacking out already. When I wake up I hear scary voices, almost if someone is..There?...I don't know how to describe this..But, I see two children playing together at a playground. I walk up to the two children and ask them where I am. They I'm between life and death. "This is life" the boy says. "And this is death" the girl says. I am so confused I can't process anything that is happening right now. Life and Death playing withe eachother..? I must be dreaming..Or am I not. I slowly take a look around, but I can't find out why this is happening to me..  

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