Unknown Power

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( Coming back from a near-unsuccessful mission. The Autobots then return to base only to find  June standing next to  Raf in the human area. It is when the woman spots Dana and the sword that Arcee began to wonder if there was more to her charge than she had let on,  only to then save that question for later and take Dana to her room)

( Dana)

" ( Watches  Arcee take  Dana down the hall)

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" ( Watches  Arcee take  Dana down the hall). Ok, somebody better explain what happened over there and why my daughter is being cared by Arcee." Said June. " We don't even know what happened. One minute  Dana shooves Miko out of the way of getting stabed by the sword curtisy of Megatron. The next the girls kicking  con but like its nothing. I can't even begin to comprehend whats going on." Said Bulkhead. " No, no no,  that sword was supposed to be as far away from this city as possible. " Said  June as she goes to run down the same hall as  Arcee only to stop the minute Arcee walks out of the room. 

" Why is that sword so important June. What was so important that the sword needed to be kept away from jasper?" Asked Arcee only for  June to  Ignor the question and run into the room and then grab the sword. " I have no time to explain,  she wasn't eve supposed to be anywhere near the sword. ( Runs out of the room with the sword and then runs to her car only for a piece of   srapnul to  stab into the ground in front of her and block the driver side door). I have no time for this. " Said  June as she gets into the car from the passenger side and then starts up the car once she' in the driver side. " Make time June,  because that sword is the only reason why my partner is still alive. " Said Arcee as she watches  June Drive out of the base with the sword in the passenger seat and then transforms into her motorcycle mode before chasing after her.

" ( Drives through the tunnel). Leave it be arcee, this sword is much more than you understand. It shouldn't even be." Said  June until her head lights  shine on a silver haird figure that is infron of her and then screams as the the figure slams her left foot down onto the car and forces it to stop. " ( Hears June scream and then speeds down the tunnel, only to stop and then transform as s silver heard woman with red eyes comes walking around the   corner with the sword in her right hand while  carrying June over her left shoulder). Who are you and how did you get in her. ( Catches the sword as   the silver haired woman had tossed it to her  and then looks at her). You know whats going on with my partner." Said Arcee as the figure nods her head before walking back into the base.

" ( Watches  Arcee and a silver haired woman that was carrying June ver her shoulder walk into the base's main lobby). Arcee, we heard a scream. What happened in there and who is this woman?" Said Optimus as the silver hiard woman sets June down into  a chair and then ties her up  with a piece of metal by wrapping around both June and the chair. " (Watches the woman easiy bend the metal to wrap it around June). Not that complaining but,  who exactly are you and how did you know where to find us. ( Watches  the woman point to the sword). The sword, did it like summon you or something?" Asked Arcee. " ( Turns to look at Arce). Not exactly machine. It more like i have been watching over that sword. ( Looks at  June with a glare).  Untill this thought she was being sneaky by sending the sword away." Said the Woman as everyone turns their heads to see  Bulkhead and Bumblebee dragging Junes car into the main lobby.

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