Older Sister/ Devil Trigger

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(It's been a month since the battle to save the military base. Since then,  Loona and  Moka have been helping  Dana to learn how to control her vampire side in order to not let her anger get the better of her. Currently, The three of them were having a sparring session. While the Autobots were helping Fowler and his marines with a mobile escort with help from Airachnid. Word had gotten out how something or someone had attacked the Decepticons a couple of days ago and destroyed every last one of them. What the Autobots didn't know was that their transport was about to be attacked)

" ( Drives alongside Optimus and his trailer). It's to bad we couldn't bring Dana along. She would have loved a road trip. "said  Arcee as Elita pulls up alongside her. " I know Arcee, but you heard  Moka. They wanna make sure that Dana can control herself. Plus from what Loona told me, If  Dana can do that. Then her devil trigger is next." Said Elita. " You mean that demonic form that people like her have. I wonder what it will look like." Said Jazz from behind them.  " Moka told me that Dana's cousin  Nero's trigger came with some kind of angelic/demonic wings. This means that hers may not look as demonic as the picture of their father's triggers." Said Chromia. " true though it would be cool to see. what she would look like. I'd imagine how she would feel when she flies." Said Bulkhead.

" Cut the chatter guys,  Airachnids spotted something. I just wish that agent of yours would let us move faster Optimus,  I don't like this casual pace we're going." Said Windblade as  Airachnid flies back toward them. " Prime, we need to speed this up now,  Dana's sister is coming and she's coming in fast." Said Airachnid as she hovered over Optimus. " What do you mean she's coming? Are you saying that we have a halfbreed similar to Dana on their way toward us? Asked Fowler. " Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying.  Have your men  ready up,  she's flying toward as in her devil trigger form." Said Airachnid as she flies off to try and  Stall the incoming devil. " Arcee,  contact Ratchet and have him bridge  Dana and her group here. I fear we may encounter more than just her sister." Said Optimus as  Arcee began to contact the base. " You got that right Optimus, it looks like she brought some female demons along with her, and they're headed this way. Airachnid won't be able to hold them for long. " Said Windblade. 

"Let's hope, oh girl gets here soon 'cause here they come." Said Fowler as he and his marines begin to fire at the incoming demons. " ( Dashes past Airchnid while some of her minions occupy her while the rest attack the human escorts). All we need is what's inside the trailer, destroy the rest. ( Changes into her human form and lands on the trailer as the truck begins to zoom past the marine escort while the other cars and jet follow suit). This should be interesting,  but I have no time for games." Said the Blonde-haired woman as she goes to climb down the side of the truck only to feel her jacket get grabbed and then yanked back onto the trailer and then thrown to the back of the trailer.

( Trina)

( Trina)

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