Final Confrontation ( Song removed for better/future use)

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( While  Dana's group  Watched the coming enemy army make its way toward them. The rest of team prime and its new members along with  Airachind quickly arrived on the scene in order to help their friends. Once there,  Arcee and Elita informed them of the situation and of the hidden truth about their cargo during the  escort mission)

" ( Looks at Agent  Fowler, you know more than anything how I can not allow something such as the deceased body of the Queen Empusa to remain in human hands. We are Fortunate that  Nero was able to dispose of the body before anyone could steal it from the facility that you had placed it in.  ( Looks at His Autobots). Autobots Provide  Cover fire for our allies so that they may focus on the main threats. Agent Fowler, it would be best if you and your men made a strategic retreat. We will occupy the enemy while you fall back. "Said  Optimus. " Are you crazy Prime? These things attacked us,  we're not just going to turn tail and run." Said Fowler until he is cut off by Loona who then grabs him by his shirt and lifts him into the air. 

" Did you learn nothing from when Cerberus attacked your other base? If it wasn't for me, you and your men would have all perished at the attack. I understand that you want to show your strength and stand strong in the face of battle. But your time for that has not yet come. You'll get your chance, but not today. ( Sets  Fowler onto the ground). Now get your men out of here, they're a liability right now." Said  Lonna as she walked over to Dana and Moka. " Nice speech there  Loona,  very motivating." Said  Moka.  "Tru enough, but we need to form a plan if we want to beat these things." Said  Loona. " Well how's about this,  Loona, Airachind, and the Autobots will deal with the  Demon secretaries. Myself, Moka, and Trish will deal with the Angelos. ( Looks at  Dana, and Nero). That leaves Trina and the female Vergil for you two. Take them down, we'll join you once our parts are done." Said  Seras as  Dana Suddenly dashes in front of her and blocks a  bullet using her sword.

" Looks like  Trina's ready to go. Let's not disappoint her, eh Nero." Said  Dana as she and Nero flew into the air and towards Trina. " Alright everyone, let's do this right. No one dies today." Said Seras as she, Moka, and Trish ran off to fight the  Neo  Angelos while Loona and the Autobots dealt with the  Demon Secretaries.

( Angelo's)

( Angelo's)

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