The Article

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One September day, a paper was handed out in class. That paper was only talking about kids' health and stuff, but one of the articles in it was concerning Pride freedom. This was my reaction...

I don't know why I'm feeling this way. I really don't. It's not supposed to affect me in that way anymore. And yet, it does...
I don't know whether I'm happy or sad or confused or mad about it being brought up. I wish I knew what or how I should feel about it, but feelings differ from person to person so I don't know!
A part of me is pleased, but another part of me is guilty that I'm pleased about it.
Another part of me is my first reaction when I saw and read the article: a sigh of relief. Relief.
Why? I wish I knew why I feel relieved that there's an article about it- that there are a lot of people who want to know more about it.
But is it really a good thing?
Great, now I feel like I felt once before- and it didn't exactly end well... 💦
I'm a changed person. I'm not who I was before. "Just when I think I'm out, they pull me right back in..."
But why am I so troubled? I know it's going to be hard because of all the people I've told already, but it was my own doing, and I have to live with it. I once said, "I take pride in confusion," but I didn't know that 'Pride' was 'confusion' itself.
All my work... all my efforts...
Gone to waste in a moment...
"Great is the fall thereof..."
It's all coming back to me now...
And not all are good things...
"You want that life, don't you?"
I don't blame you for thinking that way... it's as if I actually do...

You know, *sigh*, I guess I'm LOST!

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