Going Numb

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My hand feels foreign
Like it's not my own;
It feels so distant,
It feels unknown.

Slowly spreading
Up to my arm:
I hope it's not a sign
Of impending harm.

Now at my elbow,
Climbing further still;
Feels like it's saying,
"Going up the hill!"

My own fingers grazing
against my very palm:
Such a strange feeling,
Yet, why am I so calm?

It's spreading past my shoulders,
Down my torso it goes;
Thighs, knees, ankles;
Then it's down to my toes.

Everything feels strange
Although I know it's mine;
And yet, to every stimuli,
I react just fine.

A light dawns upon me,
I finally understand
The truth behind this sensation
That started with my hand:

I feel a smile upon my face;
How could I be so dumb?
I have gladly come to realize:

I'm finally going numb.  

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