Chapter 2 [TW]

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Jessie turned offering a small wave. He was Jordan's last resort. The one person that could maybe talk some sense into his wife. He could've easily came to the school himself but he didn't want to argue with Simone. Jordan didn't want any of this. He knew that Liv had been trying. His wife however was stubborn.

"I came to talk and I come in peace." JR added quickly holding up his hands

"If it's about Jordan then you can save it." Simone didn't need him wasting his breath.

"It is and Simone, I can't do that. You know I can't do that."

"So he called you all the way here to talk to me?"

"Desperate measures I guess. You are being extremely unfair." Jessie moved to hug her anyway. He saw her every now and again, but it wasn't often.


"There is nobody else named Simone Baker in this room so yes, you darling. Jordan is literally miserable. All he wants is for you and Babygirl to go home." He added.

"Uh huh." She simply nodded going to her desk.

"Simone, come on now. Did you even hear him out?" He questioned her leaning against one of the desks.

"Jessie, it's not that easy."

Jordan wasn't just a boyfriend anymore. He was her husband and the father of her children.

"I think it is. Communication is important in every single relationship. You two started off as friends." Jessie thought she was just making excuses.

"Barely." Simone sucked her teeth.

"You communicated though and it was enough to give him a chance and now here we are."

"Since when did you become buddy buddy with Jordan?"

"I mean I can't be mad at the guy that stole your heart and gave me Uncle JR rights." Jessie smiled.

"Uh...yeah you can.. you knew me first." Simone snarked.

"Which means I know how ridiculous you're being towards him. You can't expect me to believe he would do anything to hurt you."

Simone got quiet. Her features softened and JR knew she knew that he was correct. Jordan wouldn't do anything to purposely bring her pain. She wanted to believe that so badly. How the hell did she get so fucked up about relationships with other people? Trust wasn't the easiest thing in the world. She could count on one hand just how many people she trusts these day.

"His love for you is beyond anything I could've given you in the four years we had. We were great but you and Jordan... it was meant to happen. He is your person and as much as you are hurting , so is he."

"How am I suppose to believe that?"

"Because the only person whose opinion matters to me most is mad at me and she's the only person on this planet that I want."

Simone looked up seeing Jordan leaning against her door frame. He had his hands tucked behind him, it looked like he barely slept. He lost count of the days if you asked him. It was his normal even if they were apart, at least he knew she was somewhere safe. He knew that she was fine with Liv but he wanted her home.

"Jordan, this isn't the time or the place." She stayed seated.

"I don't care."   He was done playing with her.

Six months prior

Jordan and his team just won one of their games. He had told Simone he would only be out for a little bit. He tried to socialize and be apart of all the celebrations. He never stayed too long. He wanted to celebrate a good game then go home.  Cradling the drink in his hand, he polished it off and was led down from VIP

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