Chapter 4

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Simone pushed the stroller into the aquarium after receiving two tickets. She was going to soak up the alone time with her baby girl before their second child came into the world. The stillness of the water around them and seeing the ocean animals was calming. A much more calm environment then the one taking place at home.

She had no idea how Jordan planned to handle the situation with the sports reporter. There had been new story developments every time a news alert for his name popped up. Jordan was too calm about the whole thing and Simone might've agreed to listen but that didn't mean she wanted to forgive.


Simone looked in the direction of the nickname seeing Liv. She had texted her just in case but really needed her sister in law's advice for once. She had been used to all the rumor mills and women wanting Spencer. Groupies didn't care about marital status.

"Hey, I thought you'd be busy with an article."

"I am never too busy for you and my princess."

"I get it Liv, my baby looks just like you." Simone pouted, watching Liv unhook the belt to carry Kennedy instead.

"The water has always been calming and I know everything is chaotic. I am glad you are back home."

"It's a start. Your mother is at our house right now."

"Oh lord. I didn't even know she was in town. She has been having a ball living back in New York with my dad to be closer to my aunt Naomi." Liv walked up to the window pointing to all the different fishes that swam by.

"We didn't either! Why can't parents ever call ahead?"

"Speaking of parents, have you talked to yours?" Liv wonders.

"Olivia, this isn't about my aunt and uncle trying to play mommy and daddy." Simone wanted to forget that even happened.

She leaned against the stroller knowing that if she left it by the bench, some crazy woman with a kid would likely steal her overly priced stroller that Jordan just had to pick out because in his words - they were going to have more than one kid so it was better to buy a two in one.

"It's been how long, Don't you think it's time to hear them out?"

"Again, this is about that woman trying to pry her way into a marriage. How do you deal with this Liv?"

Simone wanted to be a supportive wife not a jealous one. She wanted to be with Jordan for the rest of her life. She saw no divorce in their future but she hated that Jordan didn't tell her himself until after the news broke. It minus well had been a slap in the face. She wanted to believe that she could trust her husband.

"Your brother is suppose to be the love of my life, my husband and he kept this from me. He waited until the news broke to even say anything which is crazy."

Simone nodded following where Kennedy was pointing to a colorful fish in the water.

"Yes boo boo, very pretty."

"I am not going to make excuses for him but maybe he wanted to sweep it under the rug for your sanity."

"That sounds like an excuse to me Olivia Baker James."

"No, you're just a stubborn woman. His main priority has always been you since you two met. Even after the whole Layla fiasco, the whole parents situation... Asher. He only wants one person and you know that." Liv reminded bouncing Kennedy in her arms.

"I am not worried about him cheating. He isn't stupid." Simone had to give him some credit

"He makes stupid decisions but you will never be one of them. He wants to protect you, keke and the life you guys are building, you can't fault him for not telling you. You are bringing my nephew into this world soon."  She continued.

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