(PT. 2) Syntax x spiderqueen'schild!reader

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As long as you're alive.

Hello again, dear Reader!
This is a part 2 of the last chapter, so if you have not read it, please go read it!!
Other than that, enjoy this next part.


The muffled voices became a bit clearer, however way too fast, causing Y/N to obtain a throbbing headache.
Meanwhile, Syntax was swiftly explaining the situation to MK, Mei, Tang and Pigsy. Supposedly Sandy was painting his boat.

"Woah, woah! Calm down! Aren't you with the Spider Queen? Why are you asking for OUR help?" MK was highly suspicious, however it quickly died down as he really looked at Syntax and his worried face. "Look, you're the only people that have a chance of saving them. Now, can you PLEASE figure out how to fix them?!" Syntax sounded impatient and pinched his nose in disappointment. MK thought for a moment, sharing a glance with Mei as Tang and Pigsy seemed to not process anything from the situation.
At first, MK hesitated but Mei convinced MK to help after taking a second glance at Y/N.

MK and Mei nodded, determined to find something to save Y/N as they took all the gas, making them at the brink of death. As the moments past, they frantically brainstormed ideas on how to make the antidote for the poison gas. Having no sample from it, it sure was harder to make a cure for it. Running out of ideas, the most popular idea was giving them a peach of immortality.
Though it was risky, it was by far the only answer to this situation. Risky, yes, but still. Who knows what the Spider Queen would do if her precious child died? It's simply safer to make Y/N immortal than let them die.

"So... a peach of immortality. How are we supposed to get that?" Syntax looked confused as he looked at MK for an answer. "Hey Mei, didn't Red Son get us to the celestial realm? And didn't you get that peach of immortality with him?" MK looked at Mei who sighed at his statement. "Yes, that's right, but how are we supposed to get him to help us? The Spider Queen captured his father and he only helped us to save him." Mei explained, making Syntax roll his eyes, remembering that day.

MK and Mei thought for a while before coming up with a way to get Red Son to help them. It's an extremely well thought out plan with guaranteed no failure. It's so well planned out, how could Red Son say no? I'm sure you wanna know what the master plan is, right? At least for the sake of understanding the plot, yeah? Don't fret, dear Reader, for you will see soon.
The master plan is...

"PLEASE!" MK pleaded Red Son, dragging out the 'E'. Even bowing down. Yes, folks, that is the master plan. Beg him until he agrees.
Even though they're both pleading him with Syntax standing aside to not embarrass himself, Red Son doesn't agree to this. To be fair, all they said was 'Take us to the celestial realm to get a peach of immortality', so it's reasonable why he'd decline.
Soon enough, Syntax gets into the situation, not pleading, obviously.

"Look, Red Kid, I know it sounds overly suspicious to be pleading for a peach of immortality without a valid reason. I can give you a valid reason though." Syntax took a second to pause and sigh before continuing. "See, the Spider Queen's child is gravely injured and extremely close to death. Not being immortal, they are on the brink of death. Now, I don't mean to peer pressure you," Syntax mumbled to himself after the first half of the sentence, something with 'kinda do'. "But you remember what happened the day your father got captured by the Spider Queen, don't you? Can you imagine what she'd do if she found out her only child died in the hands of the heroes? Hell, what if she knew you refused to try and save them?" He smiled to himself, happy with his answer. "The choice is yours." He said softly, adding another bonus point for convincing Red Son.

Red Son scowled, not knowing what to say in response. "Fine. I'll help you get that peach of immortality. On one condition. We NEVER speak of this." Red son agreed to help them, making Syntax sigh out of relief, however being unnoticeable. MK and Mei cheered happily as if they were the ones that managed to convince him. "Very well. Seems fair enough. So, how do we get that stone fruit?" Syntax asked the three amigos. (I'm sorry I had to)
MK gathered his words before answering his question.
"While gathering material for the antidote against Spider Queen's venom, we had to travel to the celestial realm. However Red Son was the one that brought us there! So we just have to convince Sandy to let us borrow his ship..." MK looked down with his hand on his chin, trying to think of a way to convince Sandy. "The big blue guy seems nice enough to let you borrow it, doesn't he?" Red Son suggested. Mei agreed, however had another suggestion. "Why can't we use one of your ships? You have a lot of vehicles." "How would you know?" Red Son asked, being skeptical about this whole thing. "You somehow always have some sort of vehicle at the ready. That must mean you have a lot of them, right?" Mei answered almost immediately. Red Son sighed in a way that made him sound fed up. "Fine. I do have a few vehicles. The only problem is, they're not built for multiple people. If you've seen my vehicles, you would've known that from the lack of a second seat." He muttered. Not looking at her.

"Alright. Enough chatter, we need to hurry this up. You'll somehow convince Sandy to let us borrow his ship and get us to the celestial realm to get that stone fruit. Got it?" Syntax interrupted their conversation upon glancing at Y/N. They agreed to his plan, seeing at though it was the most logical.


1029 words

Hey so uhhhh... Guess who forgot to publish this for multiple weeks while preparing to post the third part and some other oneshots...?

Haha... its fine, its out now lolol

Peace out, Reader.

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