Chapter 2

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(TW: mention of abuse, slight mention of self harm)

It was the moment of every day Ray dreaded- going home. He started walking, his head down. He was so lost in thought that he didn't see Norman until he ran into him. They both hit the hard concrete, losing their air.

"Sorry..." Ray muttered, heaving himself up and extending his hand for Norman. Normally, he would have apologized properly, but he didn't feel like it at the moment. What a good impression he was making.

Norman took Ray's hand and pulled himself up, "It's okay! Where 'you headed?" he asked, dusting off his clothes.

"Home-..." Ray winced slightly at the word before correcting himself, "My- my house."

The place he lived wasn't a home. As long as he could avoid it, he stayed at school or the public library. It was a house. It was an unwelcoming building where everything hurt. Where Ray hated going to. Where Ray feared going to. Where Ray had to keep an abundance of stain remover to wash his own blood out of his clothes. Where all the carpets in the house were soaked with tears.

It wasn't like his mom drank or anything. Didn't do drugs or anything. She just chose to do it. She woke up every morning and decided to hurt him. To scream at him until it felt like his ears would soon be as bloody as the rest of him.

"Ray?" Norman was waving his hand in front of Ray's face, "Are you okay?"

Ray quickly looked up and forced a nonchalant expression, since that was the best he could do, "Yeah. I'm fine... Where are YOU headed?"

Norman shrugged, "I might go to the library."

"Can I come?" Ray asked a little too quickly.

"Don't you have to go home?"

Again, Ray winced, "No!" he yelled, then cursed himself under his breath for his volume.

"Okay..." Norman smiled, but deep down he knew something was up. He kept an eye on Ray the rest of the way.

When they arrived, Norman waved at the librarian, then him and Ray sat at a table. They were looking for books together when Norman grabbed Ray's arm. Ray winced but tried to hide the pain in his face.

"Ray..."  Norman acknowledged but didn't question Ray's expression, releasing his grip, "Ray, are you sure you're okay?"

Ray stopped tears on the verge of erupting from his eyes. What was he supposed to say? No, I'm not fine, my mom hits me, I hurt myself, and I'm bullied most days at school? Ray just smiled and responded, "I'm okay."

Norman frowned, opened his mouth hesitantly, than closed it. He wanted to push, to say that Ray wasn't okay, that he could tell him anything, but that's how he lost his friend before.
They acted like Norman was being nosy, and pushed him away, when they were hurting immensely and Norman didn't even realize it. They killed themself the next day.

No. He was not going to lose Ray, whatever was happening. He grabbed Ray's arm again, making him wince harshly, and yanked his sleeve up. There were deep, purple-yellow bruises all over his arm. Norman froze.

"Ray...what happened..." Norman stumbled over his words, fear in his eyes.

Ray jerked his arm away, and pulling his sleeves back down, turning, and speed-walking out of the library.

"Ray!" Norman chased him out of the library before finally clasping his hand around Ray's wrist, "Ray." he said more forcefully.

Ray stopped and Norman saw that his shoulders were tense and shaking. He sighed and went to Ray to face him. Tears streaming from his eyes, Ray looked down. Norman wrapped Ray in a tight hug, holding him there. After a while, Ray relaxed.

"C'mon, let's go to my house," Norman said.

"Wha- Why-?" Ray's face reddened a significant amount.

Norman laughed aloud, "So we can talk, you dirty, dirty boy."

Ray looked down in embarrassment as Norman led him away.

Mother Dearest | Norray AU (Complete)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora