Chapter 6

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(TW: blood, scrapes)

Norman didn't ask why Ray left his house and went home, but it confused him to no end. Why would he go back to the person who hurt him?
After the excruciating waiting, school was over, and he ran to find Ray before he went back home.

"Ray?" he looked around.

"Hm?" A head poked out from the side of the school building.

Norman went over to Ray, "What're you doing..?"

Ray was sitting on a block of concrete against the school. He shrugged then pointed to a block of concrete a few feet away.

"Bring that and come sit next to me."

Norman sat on the concrete block and drug it over to Ray, still sitting on it. It looked very awkward, and Ray laughed a little.

"I realized after I did it.." Norman said, resisting a grin.

Ray moved the concrete block closer to him so the blocks were touching, then laid his head back on the brick wall behind him and closed his eyes. Norman watched him for a while.

"Ray.." Norman said quietly. The boy hummed in response. "Why did you leave yesterday..?"

Immediately, Norman regretted asking. Ray's eyes filled with tears and he turned his head away.

"Because she's my mom.." A vague sob could be heard in Ray's voice.

Norman said nothing more and simply grabbed Ray's hand and held it until Ray eventually calmed down.
Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, rain began pouring down. The water hid Ray's tears and soaked both boys.


After a while, they were still sitting in the rain, although it has died down to a drizzle. Norman noticed that Ray fell asleep as his head landed on Norman's shoulder. Norman smiled softly and nudged Ray.

"Ray," Ray hummed sleepily, not opening his eyes, "C'mon, Ray, let's go to my house."

Ray opened his eyes and stretched. He sat for a minute before saying, "I... can't."

He stood up. When he got home late before, he got his arm broken. Plus he still has to find a way to pay for those hospital bills. He couldn't even afford that, how could he afford what Isabella would do to him if he was late again?

Before Norman could say something or change his mind, Ray broke out into a run, leaving his things. It was probably selfish of him, but he knew Norman would do something with them.

"Ray!" Norman called, but it was too late.

Norman ran after him anyway, tripping on the slippery concrete in the process. Pain shot through his hands and knees as they were skinned against the sharp, rocky surface of the sidewalk. Small pools of red mixed with the rain water, nearly disappearing.

Immediately, Ray turned back to Norman, "I- I'm sorry.." 

"No, I'm okay!" Norman put a hand up. Ray grabbed it. There was missing skin and some skin was peeled but still attached. Tiny rocks polluted Norman's wounds. Ray looked him over, and both hands and knees were the same.

"C'mon, I have bandages." Ray said. When he saw Norman struggle a little to hoist himself up, Ray pulled him up from the air and carried him bridal-style back to their original concrete seating area.

Norman sat on a concrete block and Ray got him to hold out his hands. Pulling a water bottle from his backpack, Ray poured it over Norman's hands and knees. He blew gently on the wounds when Norman winced.

Norman wondered as Ray bandages his wounds how he could have the worst example growing up and still be so caring and motherly.

"Better?" Ray asked, looking up at Norman, "Woah are you okay?!" he put a hand on Norman's forehead.

Realizing his face was red, Norman touched his face, "Yeah, I'm fine.."


Ray sighed, entering the mansion for the second time ever. He would have to go home eventually, and when he was going to hurt like hell. He was starting to regret going back to help Norman. Isabella was going to kill him- maybe literally.

"Norman, I need to go home.." he tried once more.

"Ray, no. I'm not letting you go back there. Look what your mother did to you!" Norman shot back with enough doses of hostility to kill a rhino.

Ray winced at the loudness and just stared at Norman. He messed up again. He always messed up, and now one of the two people he ever cared about was mad at him. Without warning, thoughts rushed through his head. What if Norman got so annoyed with him he decided to leave him- to abandon him?

Norman froze as he saw Ray's painted expression. He looked as if he might cry.

"Hey, no, no, I'm sorry!" Norman put his hands on Ray's shoulders, "It's okay, you're okay. I didn't mean to yell..."

Guilt stabbed at Norman. He realized now that Ray must hear yelling all the time. He didn't need anymore from him.

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