Chapter 11

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(Sad Ending)

It has only been a few months, but Ray and Norman grew close. They had a mutual bond, and it was clear to both them and everyone else that they were in love, though they didn't go on dates or anything. They'd never kissed. Neither of them really seemed to mind. They just wanted to be together. If one kissed or confessed feelings for the other, though, they would surely do the same.

Norman paced back and forth through his room, running his hands through his hair so much that you'd think he would go bald. He didn't know where Ray lived, Emma didn't know where Ray lived, and he couldn't ask the school for his location without a reason. He didn't know if saying anything would make Ray's situation better or worse. Ray left in the middle of the school day. No one would tell him if Isabella came to pick him up or if he just left.

There was nothing Norman could do besides wait for Ray to come back to school. IF he came back.

Norman decided to go around town looking for Ray. He tried to discreetly look through the windows of every house within the next seven cities. He went to the farthest city first then worked his way back. When he got to a neighbourhood particularly close to Norman's house, he looked in the front door window. He couldn't see anything, but he heard loud screams. He recognized the voice.

"RAY!" Norman tried the door handle, which was locked. He flipped his backpack off and shakily grabbed his lock-picking kit, dropping it a few times in his haste. He slipped the pick in the lock and then his tension wrench, trying to listen for the click over the sound of yelling.

Suddenly, the screaming stopped. There was silence. Norman worked faster, hearing much easier in the dreadful quiet. When the last click sounded, Norman flung the door open. The door has obviously seen better days. It flew off its hinges and clattered loudly to the ground. It wasn't that Norman was strong, but the door was old and had been slammed many times before.

Norman jumped, then quickly regained composure and scanned the house. It smelled like pure iron, and looked like an abattoir. He focused away from the bloodstains and ran up the staircase. There was shallow breathing heard from beyond the only door on the second floor. Ray slowly pushed the door open.

"Ray..?" Norman peeked inside before widening his eyes and putting a hand over his mouth. The rest of the house made him nauseous enough, but he had to restrain a gag now.

A woman with black hair in a tight bun was laying dead in the middle of the floor, multiple stab wounds all over her body. Fresh blood was in a puddle around her. When Norman turned, Ray was sitting against a wall, his hand loosely gripping a knife that he plunged into his side. His breath came in short, small gasps.

Quickly, Norman pulled out his phone to call the police.

"N-norman... don't..."

"911, what's your emergency?"

Ray stretched his hand towards Norman weakly, "Don't.."

Norman set the phone down beside him.

"Hello?" The phone spoke to deaf ears.

"I'm s-sorry, Nor-m-man," Norman's hand met Ray's, "You weren't supposed to see this." Ray smiled softly.

"Ray, it's gonna be okay. Your mother is gone, right? She can't hurt you anymore. It's going to be okay!" Norman tried to reassure him, reaching for his phone again.

"Norman!" Ray gasped, coughing through the blood dripping from his mouth, "It is going to be okay, I'm going to be okay, but not in this world. I've made my choice."

Tears rolled down Norman's face. Ray's hand slowly slipped away from his.


"Hello? Is anyone there? Do you need assistance?"

Norman put his index and middle finger against Ray's neck before shakily picked up the phone, "H-he's...gone..."


Norman sat quietly by the headstone, rubbing his fingers against the engraving:

• Ray Grace •
~ Beloved son and friend ~
20(??) - 20(??) 🔴CENTER🔴

The words were so simple- so meaningless. Anyone who looked at this hunk of stone would never know Ray like his friends did... never know him at all.

Tears rolled down Norman's face, the start of loud sobs. He didn't know how much he truly cared about Ray until he watched him die. Norman slammed his head against the hard concrete over and over until the pain was too much to bear and rested his head against it, blood dripping slowly from his head.

He hit the stone with a fist before letting his hand fall.

"Why..." Norman sobbed, "We- we could have f-...fixed it..."

It didn't matter now. Ray was gone, and there was nothing Norman could ever say to comfort him. Nothing he could do to help him. Surely, though, Ray was in Heaven. He was the most amazing person Norman had ever known.

Norman sat there for a while before he finally stood up. He made sure the flowers on either side of the grave were neat, planted a kiss on the top of the headstone and stared at the lettering for a minute.

"I love you, Ray..." Norman muttered before wiping the tears from his eyes and walking away.


Not long after Ray's death, Norman had a heart attack in his home. Emma, Don, Gilda, and Mr. Minerva, Norman's father, were devasted. It was somewhat ironic, though- almost as if Norman had died of a broken heart in a literal sense.

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