26. Shoot to Thrill!

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3rd Person POV.
Location: the new age Academy

Y/n L/n is currently in the cafeteria of the new age Academy enjoying a fine lunch so far his newest performance in music class has not gone unnoticed at all apparently his performance in music class was on everyone's mind no one could believe that the new guy the only guy at the new age Academy who had joined just a couple days ago had just managed to blow his first performance out of the water with an amazing and spectacular performance of song, acting, and dancing he was a true triple threat when it came to the theater Y/n L/n is in the cafeteria enjoying a fine midday meal eventually he was approached by none other than the newspaper Club wanting a scoop the president of the newspaper Club was the pink haired vampire Moka the chief editor of the newspaper Club was the younger witch Yukari the head of distribution for the newspaper Club was the succubus Kurumu and finally there is the head interviewer of the newspaper Club Mizore.

Y/n L/n is currently in the cafeteria of the new age Academy enjoying a fine lunch so far his newest performance in music class has not gone unnoticed at all apparently his performance in music class was on everyone's mind no one could believe tha...

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O. Moka: hello you must be the famous and infamous Y/n L/n.

Y/n: I be he and he be me~

O. Moka: well we're the newspaper Club and we wanted to get an interview with you for the front page of tomorrow's edition of The New Age Gazette.

Y/n: sounds like a hoot and a half let's do it.

Immediately the newspaper Club started asking all kinds of questions.

Mizore: for starters where were you born?

Y/n: I was born in a small little town in the United States of America in the state of Maine I was born in a small little one-horse town called Derry.

Yukari: wait a minute Derry? You mean the place that used to have the highest disappearance rate in the history of the United States but then one day it just stopped and The Disappearance rate has basically dropped to zero?!

Y/n: that's the one!

Kurumu: next question how would you describe your childhood?

Y/n: well my childhood wasn't the happiest you see I was raised in an orphanage because at first I thought my mom didn't want me but then I found out that she was just trying to protect me and she couldn't take care of me so she dropped me off at the orphanage and for the beginning of my childhood I was bullied, neglected, and I was subjected to many different types of abuse such as emotional, physical, psychological, and even spiritual where many children got a beating once a week for me it was every day nuns may have ran the orphanage but they were no Saints you see these marks on my eyes.

The newspaper Club nodded their heads in confirmation realizing that they never really thought about the strange black markings on his eyes.

Y/n: these markings ain't make up or related to my powers these markings are scars that were caused on one of my birthdays on that day they knocked out two teeth cracked my ribs and left me on the floor crying and waiting for death.

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