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"Nightthorn, there is nothing I can do for you." Said a fluffy white tom, a piece of an emerald shard dangled on a vine that wrapped around the white tom's neck.

"Why not? I traveled all the way here to see you say that you can't do anything!" Growled a sleek furred, black tom with stripes around his tail and arms, curling his lip and making a large cloud from his breath.

"I'm sorry, Nightthorn, I can't do anything to protect the kit." The white tom narrowed his eyes and looked away, sadly.

"What? Then should I just ask Crowstar, Traveler?" Nightthorn wanted to just twist the white tom's neck.

"But, there is one way," Meowed Traveler, looking back at him and making his eyes light up, "You need to protect the kit."

"Wh- How am I supposed to protect him?" He asked, "You've been here before me, you should know. Something."

Traveler nodded, sitting down and making the snow underneath crunch. Two pines hovered over them, protecting them by catching the snow. Everything smelled like ElkClan warriors to Nightthorn, the stench horrendous but at least the pretty stars twinkled from above the two.

"Well," Explained Traveler, twitching his tail, "If Pearlheart is the parent of the kit. . . and you love Pearlheart. . . this means if you protect the kit, then you are protecting her."

Blacknight nodded, understanding, then sitting down, he asked another question, "But his personality is such like Brownclaw. How am I supposed to treat him like Pearlheart when he also has his father's CloudClan blood?"

"Yes," Answered Traveler, "Just punish him if he is like his father, but if he is better, protect him."

Nightthorn smiled in understandment, "Yes. I will protect Swiftkit."

It was moonrise, a silver, sleek tabby she walked to an open field, she saw a few fox-tail length's away where CloudClan cats were. CloudClan cats? She thought surprisingly, but kept walking. They shouldn't be out at night.

Just then a dark gray tom noticed her and signaled the rest of the group to see. "What are you doing here, MoorClan cat?" The tom growled, yet she stood calm and noticed only a few warriors where in the group, there were also two apprentices there as well, "Don't worry, I came alone." She meowed calmly, "I'm just on my way to visit the Star Pool."

He grunted and turned towards two warriors, "Elderbreeze, Riverstrike, go take her to the Star Pool safely, then, once she's finished, come back here before it's too late."

A blue-gray tom gulped while a huge gray tom stared proudly at his deputy. The silver tabby thought about what the group was all about, but decided not to think about it now because she was meant to meet StarClan soon at the Star Pool.

Elderbreeze took her side and Riverstrike took the other, then they walked her towards the Star Pool in silence.

Once they got her there, which was not very far away, she went to the magical pool that was inside of a small cave. She heard the two warriors rush to go meet with their deputy, so she touched the pool that glittered and sparkled. She closed her eyes slowly.

The silver tabby looked around, she found herself inside of the MoorClan camp, but empty. The only one who was there was her sister, Skywhisker, a beautiful silver tabby with her green glowing eyes and graceful flicking tail. "Hello, Fogheart." Smiled Skywhisker calmly. She was above her and was sitting down on a branch of the Great Birch.

Fogheart bowed her head and said, "Skywhisker, what a nice surprise. What am I here for?"

Skywhisker jumped down, Fogheart read her eyes which were serious, "I am here to tell you a prophecy, Fogheart, a prophecy that will be given to a kitten born to the brown, hatred, claws and the pearl that dances in love," She began, "The prophecy is this, 'Once the stones rise in the swift wind, but from the darkness of storm, will disintegrate in ash.'"

Fogheart got confused, she had prophecies before, but nothing like this one, "What does it mean?" She said out loud.

Skywhisker meowed calmly, "I'm sure you can figure it out." The sisters then touched noises.

Fogheart woke up, she realized she was crouched, in front of her was the Star Pool, which twinkled like the mocking stars from outside of the cave.

What could it mean? She thought, looking sorrowful Who does this prophecy belong to?

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