Chapter Seven

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The bird chirped and flapped upward, beating its wings on its tiny body. While Swiftpaw, he flopped down, his stomach scraped on the dirt. "Urgh." He grunted then got back up on fours.

It was Nightthorn.

"That was fast." Swiftpaw grumbled.

"Yes. . . it was. . .'' Nightthorn replied, almost softly, "Now. I hear Runningwinter has already taught you the basic moves." Then added, "You even beat Quickpaw in a few moves. . . but what about one?"

"Sure, I can do one move." Swiftpaw meowed confidently, puffing out his chest.

"Alright, now fight with me." Said Nightthorn, jumping back.

Swiftpaw gulped slightly, now fearing what Nightthorn would do. But it's good since he had to know the senior's moves and skills.

Nightthorn made the first move by lunging at Swiftpaw's back to easily paw it, but instead Swiftpaw dodged to the side and clumsily fell sideways.

Getting up, Swiftpaw batted Nightthorn, but the senior dodged to the side. Luckily, Swiftpaw only swiped at his tail, but Nightthorn bit at his neck scruff.

"Urghh!" Swiftpaw yowled in frustration, raising his head, even though Nightthorn didn't bite hard.

Swiftpaw then tried his next move, he crouched down easily then nipped at Nightthorn's paws. Though Nightthorn didn't give up, he slashed only the side of Swiftpaw's fur, but Swiftpaw dodged cleanly and tackled Nightthorn to the ground.

"Good work, apprentice." Nightthorn purred slightly as Swiftpaw towered over the black tom with one paw pressed against Nightthorn's muzzle.

Swiftpaw smirked bravely, letting Nightthorn back up, "Let's go back. We can catch something along the way." Nightthorn suggested once he got up.

"Why don't you head back? I'll get something." Swiftpaw meowed, changing the suggestion Nightthorn had made.

"Sure." Nightthorn meowed and glared away from Swiftpaw, walking towards camp.

Once Nightthorn had disappeared, Swiftpaw went towards the barn, which was not far away from where he was training at.

Rain began to tickle Swiftpaw's pelt as he ran with the wetness dripping all over, dragging his wet fur. The rain beated harder on his pelt once he was approaching the barn through the gray, almost foggy, weather.

When he got inside of the barn, he fell down slowly and sighed, almost shivering, "S-S-So-o c-c-c-cold." He shivered and saw Berry and Jason approach him, "What's up?" Meowed Jason, who was beside Berry, flicking his tail.

Swiftpaw inhaled and smelled the sweet kittypet smell from the twolegs on Berry's fur. He smiled and purred, wanting to rub his head on her sweet smelling fur.

"Didn't you want to come at midnight?" Berry asked, startled at Swiftpaw's arrival.

"Ah," Now getting up, Swiftpaw meowed, "We can go hunt once the rain has slowed down."

"Can I come?" Asked Jason, bumping Berry's shoulder, but Berry quickly gazed at him with a cold glare, "Why would you go? He hates you."

"I'll just not be annoying and stay silent." Jason mumbled in Berry's ear, but Swiftpaw can hear it, "Just let me come." Jason turned towards him.

The rain has just gone into a sprinkle, so Jake, Swiftpaw, and Berry all went out of the barn just in time before the twolegs went inside, "Alright, let's head to the forest part in my Clan's territory." Meowed Swiftpaw once they got out of the fence and onto the plains.

"Sure!" Purred Berry and Jason nodded politely.

The air was so warm and smelled like rain, but Swiftpaw can smell some scents, like the lilac that stuck out of the grass as they headed towards the Huge Forest.

He saw many other rodents come out of their dens, but he didn't want to catch them just yet, other cats need some prey as well.

Once they got to the forest, Berry began to taste the air, "I-I smell. . ." She began, stuttering, ". . . kit-kits with a mixture of b-b-blood."

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