Chapter Four

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"Why, hello there." Said the calico, now it was all clear and not a flicker anymore. It was dark, velvet red, and the place smelled like dead crow-food. The oaks were black and the leaves were red. The calico was mixed with a tabby and her right ear was nicked, she had yellow eyes that almost looked like the sun.

On the left of her, was a silver tabby tom, his eyes were light blue and the left of his face was just shadows.

The other side of her was a golden tabby tom, this time his eyes were pitch black, which sent a shiver down Swiftpaw's spine, and clumps of fur were ripped out.

"I'm Sapheart," The calico introduced herself then the silver and golden tabby, "This is Silvertide and this is Missingeyes."

Swiftpaw was guessing Silvertide was the silver tabby and Missingeyes was the golden tabby.

"Dogs. Dogs. Dogs. . ." He heard Silvertide mumble, then suddenly shot a sad glance.

"Haha! Don't mind Silvertide, he got killed by a dog." Laughed Sapheart wickedly.

"We're here to say something to you, Swiftpaw." Missingeyes meowed, his voice sounded deep and dark.

"Yes." Sapheart went serious, "Join us and you can become a leader and you will survive with fresh meat every week."

Swiftpaw silently thought for a moment, then unsheathed his claws and narrowed his eyes.

"I don't need you cowards to train me!" He growled.

Sapheart and the rest stood silent. "You are liars! All hideous lies!" He snapped.

"Fine. But once you make up your mind, or call one of us in your sleep." Sapheart said and bowed her head down, so did Missingeyes, but Silvertide was looking at him. The three vanished and he was left in the dark.

"Swiftpaw! Swiftpaw!" He heard a familiar voice call, "SWIFTPAW!"

He awoke, startled, and began to look around, he realized he was surrounded with cats, Runningwinter, Petallight, Skullheart, Riverpaw. . . he could tell by the faces around him.

In front of him was Riverpaw. Her eyes were frozen with fear, but for a heartbeat. Then she got relaxed, "Oh Swiftpaw! I thought I lost you forever!" Her eyes fell into tears and sobbed thankfully in his fur.

"Oh stop it! I'm gonna blush!" Swiftpaw joked and placed a paw on her chest as she backed away.

"I'm glad you're back, lad." Smiled Runningwinter, who was crouched beside him.

"So, why am I here? I thought I was in the valleys." Swiftpaw asked Runningwinter.

"Well, lad, Nightthorn and I were walking around for a sunhigh patrol, but when he passed Ancient Hawthorn, we spotted a figure on the ground. When we approached it, we realized it was my lad, so Nightthorn and I dragged you to the medicine den to see if you were hurt." Runnningwinter explained.

Then he realized about Silvertide and why was he so sad?

He noticed Fogheart, the medicine cat, escorting everyone to get back to their dens.

"Fogheart," Swiftpaw asked, "Can I go to the elder's den until before sunset?"
Fogheart turned towards him once the last warrior left, "Alright. Fine." She grunted, "But before sunset, alright?"
Oh thank StarClan Swiftpaw smiled and got up, his legs wobbled around at first but he got balanced and headed his way to the elder's den.

"So you wanna talk about Silvertide, yeah?" Applegaze ripped some meat on a plump vole then chewed it down.

"Yes, Applegaze." Nodded Swiftpaw, "I'm sure."

"Alrighty then." Applegaze gulped down his vole.

Applegaze then began to tell Swiftpaw that Silvertide was born in WillowClan, he was born to terrible parents and ran away, once he did, he was in MoorClan territory, the old leader, Nightstar, at the time, said that he could stay. Silvertide then proved himself to be the greatest cat in MoorClan, but one day in Leaf-fall, hungry dogs came inside of the valleys and killed Silvertide, leaving a torn throat and half face.

Applegaze didn't know much about why he was in the Place of No Stars, but he was sure it was a mistake the cat's from Dark Forest made.

Swiftpaw nodded then asked, "Okay, so are any of his other parents living?"

"Yes," Applegaze narrowed his eyes and flicked his tail, "WillowClan has a tom, his name is Brightdusk. He lives as an elder, like me."

"So I just need to say what he is like!" Swiftpaw pounced happily and was about to go outside until the elder stopped him.

"Wait, Swiftpaw. He might be at the gathering, just look around closely." Applegaze told him.

Swiftpaw nodded, "Okay." Then left outside. The leader was on top of the Great Birch, and was lying down on one of the branches.

Swiftpaw headed for the medicine cat den, hopefully Fogheart might let him go to the gathering if he got picked.

Once he got inside, he saw Fogheart was inspecting her herbs.

Just have to convince her Swiftpaw thought and meowed, "Fogheart, can I go to the gathering?"

"No." Fogheart simply growled.

"But the gathering is my life!" He protested.

"The gathering is not your life. Your life is to lie in bed." Fogheart turned and faced Swiftpaw, eyes locked.

"Your life is to be a medicine cat! You do nothing but do dumb herbs all day!" He growled.

Fogheart did a low growl but once Swiftpaw read her eyes, she looked sad.

"Fine. Go to the gathering. But afterwards, I am checking to see if your legs are fine." Fogheart sighed and turned back to inspecting.

My legs are fine Swiftpaw thought silently, but was done with protesting. He went outside and saw Crowstar already calling for a meeting.

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