Chapter 2

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*Master Lin insists on me reading the entire volume of texts on lightsaber safety and writing a summary report before she allows me to use my lightsaber to spar again,* Cecilia grumbled within her mental connection with Obi-Wan Kenobi.

He sat across from her in the Temple Archives studying a particular text on the history of the Jedi Code that Master Qui-Gon had insisted he read. *Well, perhaps if she hadn't caught you slicing up fruit with your saber, she wouldn't have to challenge your knowledge of lightsaber safety,* he countered, telepathically.

Even in her head, Cecilia swore Obi-Wan sounded pompous, she looked up at him and stuck her tongue out. "Just because I got caught and you didn't doesn't mean you get to lecture me, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan grinned a moment, then his gaze grew sympathetic, and he sighed and reached over, momentarily patting Cecilia on the hand. "Look, I'm sorry. I know you're mad I didn't get caught too. But after the scolding I got from Master Qui-Gon last week—I couldn't afford another incident so soon. And besides, I -am- still here studying with you, aren't I?"

She smiled. Obi-Wan did always stick by her when she had to spend an extra-long session studying in the library. "Yeah...yeah you are. Thanks, Obi."

"Of course. That's what friends are for."

Cecilia smiled happily at him before going back to her reading—but Obi-Wan's gaze stayed on her long after her attention had gone back to the text in front of her.


Months later, well after Cecilia had been given back the privilege of sparring with her saber, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi watched as Master Lin and Padawan Cecilia Quin sparred.

"Padawan, I can sense your worry. Would you care to share your concerns with me?" Qui-Gon Jinn glanced over at his apprentice as he spoke quietly, trying to mask his smile as he returned his attention to the Jedi Master and Padawan who were in front of them, currently locked in a heated lightsaber duel.

The frown on Obi-Wan's face grew deeper. "I'm not sure it's wise for me to speak my concerns, Master."

Qui-Gon sighed, now turning his attention fully on his Padawan. He'd been observant of his Padawan enough to see the growing distraction in Obi-Wan every time they trained with Master Lin and Padawan Quin. He'd made all the necessary connections as to what was most likely going on. It was time to see if he was right. "Obi-Wan, your deep concern over following the Jedi Code is admirable. But I'd encourage you to consider that the Force has drawn you and Padawan Quin together in your friendship from the time you were both just younglings. What you insist on worrying about could be the will of the Force."

He saw the blush rising in Obi-Wan's cheeks. Indeed, he'd been correct in his assumptions about his Padawan's growing feelings towards Padawan Quin. Obi-Wan stumbled to respond. "The fact that my own Master is aware of such... feelings... just shows how much I have let them distract me. It can't be good, Master."

"On the contrary, Obi-Wan. You've done as good a job as is possible at masking feelings that you are fighting against so hard. I believe if you would allow yourself to examine and accept your feelings, you might find them less distracting."

"But Master, surely you can't be insinuating that to break the Jedi Code could be the will of the Force."

"I insinuate nothing, Obi-Wan. I would remind you that the Jedi Code was written by early Jedi as they learned the ways of the Force. We each feel the Force differently at times, and are affected by its current. Be mindful, Obi-Wan, of your own place within the Force. Do your feelings towards your friend pull you towards the Dark side? What if, instead, the pulled you further towards the Light? Towards what is good and right in the Force?"

"But Master, the Code!" Obi-Wan spoke, not realizing it had gotten quiet as Master Lin and his friend Cecilia Quin had completed their exercise.

"Obi-Wan, are you too busy discussing the Jedi Code to focus and watch me spar? Better watch out, now you don't know my weaknesses." Cecilia smirked.

Obi-Wan detected his friends humor, and had also sparred with Cecilia enough to be well aware of her weaknesses—but because of the previous conversation he swallowed and frowned at Qui-Gon. "Master, you distracted me from my observations."

Qui-Gon's eyebrow raised and he smiled as he responded. "You are responsible for your own distractions, Padawan. And now it is time to see how well you know Padawan Quin and her fighting style. Time for you two to spar."

Obi-Wan sighed and shrugged off his cloak and unclipping his lightsaber, giving his Master one last glare before approaching the center of the ring. As the two began fighting, Master Lin came up beside Qui-Gon, only a small smirk giving away her amusement as the two of them watched their Padawan's closely.

"It was unfair of you to distract him with that topic of conversation when he was supposed to be watching my Padawan's fighting." Lin said quietly.

"He was already distracted before I brought up the topic—in fact that is why I brought it up."

"Many do not hold such an unconventional thinking on the matter, Qui-Gon. The Council may not be happy if they knew you were attempting to encourage your Padawan to break one of the oldest of the Jedi Codes."

"The Council knows my feeling on the issue of attachments and romantic relationships. It is unfortunate that early on a small number of Jedi were pulled towards the Dark side because of unhealthy relational attachments—you know as well as I do, and agree I believe, that such a thing should not dictate a code that all should have to follow."

Master Lin smirked. "Such a rebel, you are, Qui-Gon."

"I don't see you running off to tell the Council of my rebelliousness, Master Lin. By the way, how is Master Faris?" Qui-Gon smirked as he saw a slight blush rise in his fellow Master's cheeks.

"Besides—you have...encouraged... their friendship as much as I have," he stated as he burrowed his arms further within the arms of his cloak and observed the two Padawans.

Training Obi-Wan along side Master Lin and her Padawan had made more and more sense after their choosing. The connection was obvious to their Masters as they quickly noticed the two spending time studying and training together on their own. He was friendly enough with Master Lin that it only took a few brief conversations for them to come to the agreement, deciding to watch and carefully ensure their Padawans kept their connection the Force safe and healthy while exploring their bond to each other.

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