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I never fitted in school. I try to avoid large crowds and noisy places. During break time, I would eat at a little shack that would usually be sunny. It was quiet and that's what I preferred.

I would usually skip eating and start drawing. I never liked eating anyway. But of course, I must eat to live. I was never disturbed there and I enjoyed it. But one day, a prefect came by.

He was a year younger than me, so I didn't recognize him. He told me to go eat in the canteen and I would gather my things and start to walk away. But when he left, I would sit back there. I would laugh, thinking how he never checked again.

The next day, he would come again and say the same thing. This day, I brought no food with me and I had a book. So I said that I had a perfectly good reason to stay here, I was reading. He told me again, I would say I have a right to stay here. He gave up and left. I felt satisfied with myself.

Everyday, he would come. He would always say the same thing, and I would always be stubborn. One day, he never came. I waited. And waited. After a while, I decided to stop waiting and start drawing. I thought I heard footsteps behind me. It was stupid of me not to turn around. Someone shouted loudly behind me and I yelped. I was never good with sudden, loud noises so this scared me.

I turned around to see him laughing at me. I got angry and chased him. Everyday, he would do this, the most is usually seven. I don't hate it though, I quite enjoyed it in fact. I was able to talk to someone. But one day it stopped.

I waited for him. Waited for a looong time, but he never came. I told myself why should I care, but I felt anxious. The place I stayed at was usually filled with the noises of me and him. And thats when I realised.


It made me scared as if something or someone could hurt me any second. I hate it. I hugged myself tightly and waited. He never came. I needed someone here. Help.

I waited till the bell rang. I felt depressed. He never came the next day or the day after. I felt lonely. My teacher told me to pay attention in class more but I just couldn't. I was scared. One day, I broke down. Teacher was surprised. Very surprised, because all this time, for all these years, I never cried.

I wouldn't stop. Everyone was staring at me. I didn't like that. I ran out of class. I hid under the stairs. I heard footsteps and saw him. He said he saw me and decided to follow me. I felt happy that he cared enough to follow me but sorrow still lingered. Where were you? I waited for you, but you never came.

He left afterwards. I cried harder till I was sobbing. Teacher found me and told me to wash my face. I told teacher I felt unwell so I called my parents. I went home straight. But I thought I saw him staring at me when I passed his class. It must be my imagination.

Everyday I sat in silence there. I was afraid of being alone. I HATE IT. Days passed, and soon it became months. I ate and drawed in silence. Soon the year was gone. That year was my last year at the school. I never saw him after that.

Soon, I was in university.

I never fitted in school. I avoid large crowds and noisy places. I would spend my breaktime alone. One day, someone shouted loudly behind me. As before, I never got rid of the fear of loud noises so I screamed in surprised. I turn around to see who it was.

I smiled.


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