Questions Answered

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Amy was sat in the snug drinking her whiskey with Tommy. After Tommy admitted to killing the oldest brother of the Capone family they decided they would sit down together and talk. Amy knew he had questions she just didn't know if they were about the war between the 2 families or for her sudden change of heart by asking him to join her in bed whenever she had too much to drink.

"Right then Tommy, out with it, I can see you staring at me and I am just waiting to hear what questions you have for me" Amy said as she looked back at him not breaking eye contact.

"Why do you want to take down the Capone family" He was straight out with it.

"Things got personal when it came to them, they killed my fiancé by trying to kill me, I didn't know I was carrying at the time, when my fiancé was killed I just went crazy with drink and drugs, it was a bad time for me until I found out I had miss carried, for years I blamed myself for his death and the death of our child, the one thing I had to remember him by and I lost it, that's why I will not rest until they are all under ground" Amy spoke with a stoic expression. Tommy was impressed, he thought she would break down confessing something like that but she was as solid as a rock.

"If we are to do business Amy I need to know who your enemies are, I have some enemies of my own but I will deal with them, If we have anybody coming after us I need to know so im prepared before I loose any of my family, agreed?" Tommy said.

"I wouldn't have agreed to do business with you if I was putting anyone in danger, I will deal with the Capones myself when the time is right Thomas, now if you will excuse me I must go and contact my father over what happened earlier, he will be pleased to know that one of those bastards are dead" Amy spoke as she got up finishing her drink.

Just before Amy went to leave Tommy called her back, closing the door she could feel him so close to her. She didn't let it show that she was nervous but kept her body straight so he wouldn't be able to tell. "Why do you ask me to stay with you when you are drunk" Tommy asked there faces inches apart from each other. "I was drunk, I like to be kept warm in these wintery months and knowing you were there I thought why not use you as my own body warmer" She quickly saved looking him in the eyes.

"We both know its more than that Amy, I can see it in your eyes" Tommy whispered, she could feel her heart beating quickly in her chest. How could she tell him that there was a possibility she was falling for him. "If we both know Tommy then you tell me what it is" She whispered back looking into his eyes looking for answers she didn't have. Before she knew it Tommy had joined their lips together, he waited for her to push him off but she never did, she kissed him back. As the kiss grew stronger Tommy pulled her to the couch as she sat on top of him neither of them breaking from each other. Tommy began roaming her body until he reached the bottom. Amy quickly jumped off him and stared at him with wide eyes. Tommy sat back with wide eyes taking her in and wondering why she stopped. Amy quickly gathered herself and said "That shouldn't have happened" and ran off.

Running out the door Amy ran towards her house. She could hear footsteps behind her hoping they weren't Tommys she didn't look back just kept running forward. Getting to her house she opened the door and locked it from the inside rushing towards her bathroom she began to throw up. She felt the guilt was over her. How could she do this to Noah, why was she still carrying a flame for him when he wasn't coming back. Amy quickly washed her mouth and went downstairs and began going through her photos. She knew if she was to leave Noah behind she needed to be happy with herself first to find new happiness. She began going through old photos figuring out which ones she would keep and throw out. While doing this she heard a knock on the door. Gathering herself she opened it to Tommy Shelby standing there and he was not happy.

Tommy walked past her and into the Kitchen. "Wanna explain to me what the fuck just happened" Tommy said looking at her in disgust. "Im sorry Tommy, I didn't mean to run off like that its just I didn't expect it, I haven't kissed or done anything with anyone since Noah, I feel guilty for some reason when I know I shouldn't" Amy confessed looking between the pictures and Tommy. "Shut the door on him, hes gone Amy, hes dead hes never coming back" Tommy roared at her before picking up the pictures and carrying them outside. "What are you doing with them Tommy, give them back" Amy began to fight him trying to grab the photos from him. Before she knew it Tommy had began lighting them on fire.

"NO" Amy screamed as she tried to stomp out the fire but it was too late, the photos were destroyed and turned to dust, Amy was beyond enraged, she turned to Tommy and slapped him across the face, "How dare you do that, who do you think you are coming into my home and doing this just because I upset your ego, those were the only things I had left to remember him and now they are fucking gone" She shouted at him before pushing past him into her home.

"Hes dead Amy, youre mourning over something that happened years ago, you cant bring him back so what is the point in you living in the past and not the future eh? You obviously feel something for me if I am the first person who kissed you since him, why are you leaving me in the dark eh? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME" Tommy roared at her before she screamed over him"BECAUSE I SAW NOAH IN YOU THE FIRST NIGHT I ASKED YOU TO BED" She screamed as the tears rushed down her face,"I AM SORRY TOMMY OKAY, IM SORRY I ASKED YOU TO BED AND WASNT HONEST WITH YOU, I FEEL SOMETHING FOR YOU YES BUT I CANT DO THIS RIGHT NOW" Amy screamed at him before slumping down in her chair.

"Did you see him the second time you asked me to bed" Tommy asked not knowing if he wanted the answer, "No I saw you for you, I spoke to Polly she told me its a Gypsy thing, but right now Tommy I want you out of my house, I don't want to speak to you until I am ready, how dare you try make me forget him like that, I am not you, I cant just shut the door on France like you did, Everybody is different, and my comfort and sanity was having those photos to remember him by, now please leave me alone, I cant stand to look at you right now" She spoke before looking away from him and looking to the ground. Without another second passing Tommy stormed from the house and slammed the door.

Amy was heartbroken, what was she going to do now? Will she forgive Tommy or will she leave Noah stop her from moving on and being happy? Only Amy could decide that.

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