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Fast Forward 2 months

2 Months since Amy had taken down Sabini, 2 Months since Tommy was attacked, 2 months since they were targets. A lot can happen in 2 months especially for the Shelbys. Tommy had found out that Polly had 2 Children taken from her at birth. He took it upon himself to go searching for them only to be struck with the news that her daughter passed away due to an illness. Polly was heartbroken, but was grateful to have one alive and well. Tommy and Polly had a huge argument when Polly wanted the address of her son but Tommy refused saying it wasn't her choice that the boy had to come to her instead. Polly had been gifted a house, as have Arthur, John, Amy and Tommy himself. Tommy wanted a house far away from his business so him and Amy could have a family.

Amy, John and Arthur were in the Snug drinking before having to head home to get the list to Polly. Amy had worked so hard putting this all together that she figured she could do with a break from the preparation for awhile. Allowing the drink to consume her she played cards waiting on the arrival of Tommy so they could discuss the guest list with Polly back at the house. Just as she was about to get up in emerged Tommy smiling at her as he placed a kiss on her cheek before sitting down across from the boys.

"Want a drink Tom" The new bar tender called from behind.

Amy missed Harry, she didn't speak as much to the new guy as he was terrified of the Peaky Blinders but she still missed her dear friend more than anything.

"No Im good, Come on guys we need to get ourselves to Pollys or Amy here will have our heads." He smirked as they all got up and left together. Arthur and John were fooling around as Amy tried to keep up with them her heels holding her back, letting out a annoyed huff she went to take her shoes off when suddenly she was swung on the shoulder on the second youngest brother John.

"John, put me the fuck down" She said "Tommy tell him put me down everyone can see my ass" She said

"Its okay love, they know who you belong too, they wouldn't dare chance it" Tommy smirked looking around to make sure nobody was.

"I don't belong to anyone excuse me, now let me down John" Amy said smacking John on the back repeatedly, Amy wouldn't admit it but she liked when Tommy showed his dominant side once in awhile.

"Amy stop fighting me for fuck sake, we are nearly at the house" John said stopping behind Arthur so he could open the door. Walking through the house John and Arthur were met with a face they didn't recognise alongside Polly.

"John put me down now" Amy shouted as John forget he was holding her, placing her down Amy turned to be met with the same face she didn't recognise.

"Is this?" Amy smiled pointed to Polly

"Yes this is my son Michael, boys this is your cousin" Polly spoke

Amy didn't waist any time in lunging forward and embracing Michael in a huge hug.

"I have heard so much about you" Amy said as she backed away allowing the other Shelbys to speak to him.

"Im Arthur, I used throw you out the window when you were little" He said soon followed John "Im John I used catch you and kick you down watery lane" They both laughed remembering the memory.

"I don't remember much after been taken away, but im glad im here now" He smiled allowing Polly to hug him in a tight embrace.

Turning his attention his eyes landed on Amy. "Now I definitely would have remembered a pretty face like yours and who might you be" Michael spoke taking Amys hand and placing a kiss on it.

Amy looked to Polly and then Tommy who stood their glaring at Michael. Amy knew Tommy wasn't pleased so she quickly took her hand away opening her mouth to speak when she was cut short by Tommy.

"Her name is Amy, she is already taken Michael so I wouldn't chance your luck" Tommy warned

"And who might she be taken by, I don't see a ring on her finger" He questioned

"Shes taken by me" He spoke

"Im so sorry Tommy I didn't know" Michael said

"Yeah well now you do" He warned turning to Amy waiting for her to speak.

"Well Michael it was lovely meeting you, now if you excuse me I must have a quick word with your mother" Amy smiled taking Polly into the next room.

"Lets bring Michael to the Institute, it would be nice for him to come to a family gathering, its being held in the safest place possible our home, it would be good for him" Amy whispered

"You are right, Ill suggest it to him thank you my love, that was very thoughtful" Polly said catching Amys face.

"You are welcome, well now at least I know Tommy doesn't like sharing" Amy said as they walked back into the room.

"That's only the tip of the ice berg love" Polly smirked taking the guest list off of Amy.

As Polly and Amy made their way back the boys were about to leave "And where are ye going" Amy questioned

"Bringing Michael drinking" John said

"No way, he is 17 he can wait till the legal age" Polly barked

"Christ Pol, I had my first drink at 10, let the man enjoy a few drinks we promise we have him home before 10" John laughed nudging Michael.

"Come on Pol, why don't we all go, be a nice way to get to know your son, also give him a chance to get to know the family a bit more" Amy smiled

"I suppose you are right, let me get my coat" Polly said throwing it over her and locked the door as they all made their way to the Garrison.

Stepping inside John called a round for everyone. Polly sat with Michael, Arthur sat with John and Amy sat on Tommys lap. They all chatted amongst themselves as they all got to know Michael. The drinks were flowing and everyone was getting drunk bar Tommy. Michael was the first to speak up looking at Amy.

"Amy, what is your surname" He asked

"Shelby" Tommy answered

"Tommy shut up" Amy said smacking him in the arm "Its Sullivans Michael" She smiled, noticing how white Michaels face looked Amy frowned.

"Is something wrong Michael" Amy questioned

"You were Noah Fitzgeralds Girlfriend weren't you" He asked

Amy went pale, she thought she would pass out at any moment. Tommy could feel her trembling underneath him and took her hand in his to calm her down.

"How do you know him Michael" Amy questioned

"We worked together for years, he always talked about you but then he started acting strange before he died, he kept saying things like oh death is near and then he died" Michael said

Amys eyes filled with tears, but clutching Tommys hand she knew she would be okay.

"Im sorry if I upset you" Michael said frowning he had upset her.

"Nonsense What is done is done, its the past, and this right here is my future" She smiled as she placed a kiss on Tommys lips.

The moment passed and everyone enjoyed their night together.

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