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Tommy was hospitalised for 2 weeks after the attack. He made it clear Amy was not to visit him because of how beaten he was. He had men all around the hospital and doors. Tommy received a visit from none other than Sabinis agent sending him a letter. Tommy was furious, firstly to attack him like that and secondly bring Amy into it threatening to end her life if he stepped foot back in London again. Not only did he leave him for dead but now threatening the person he believed he loved made him 10 times worse. Not seeing Amy was hard for him, especially since they ended on bad terms. Amy felt guilty for acting the way she did but believed if Tommy had listened to her none of this would have happened.

As for Amy she was fully recovered. Besides the scratches on her face she was able to freely walk around brace and leg brace free. Taking matters into her own hands she formulated a plan mentioning it to Ada and Polly trusting them they wouldn't go back to Tommy with it. She trusted Arthur and John too but if they thought she was putting herself in danger they would run to Tommy. Sitting at her desk she waited for her usual call with Tommy before Polly came in closing the door.

"Hello Pol, everything okay" Amy asked

"Just checking if you needed anything" She looked behind her before asking "When are you going to London" She whispered in fear John or Arthur would hear.

"The day Tommy is let out of hospital Pol, give him a little fright when he sees im not home, but what did we agree on telling him when im gone" She questioned

"You are at a friends at a funeral and you will be back tomorrow evening" She answered

"And whos the friend" She asked

Polly froze unable to remember the name "Elizabeth?" She questioned

"Close enough well go with Elizabeth" She smirked

Just as Polly was about to talk the phone rang. Polly left Amy to it knowing it was possibly Tommy.

"Shelby residence Ms Sullivans speaking" She answered

"Hello love, hows business" Tommy spoke

"Hello love, its blooming, weird not having you around to boss me around though, I cant wait to see you when are you able to come home" She questioned

"This evening, I should be home before tea" He answered Amy quickly froze knowing she would have to leave for London any minute.

"Amy you still there love?" Tommy questioned

"Yes um sorry thought I heard Polly calling me, that's good love im happy you can come home, ill speak to you later okay I have some business to attend too" Amy replied

"Speak to you later" He replied as they both hung up.

Amy quickly ran towards hers and Tommys room gathering a bag and packing clothes. Running towards the stairs she quickly found Polly.

"Im heading to a funeral Pol, ill be back tomorrow evening" She said looking at Arthur and John hoping they believe it.

"Okay love, becareful and send my regards" Polly spoke bidding her fairwell.

"Amy Tommys out of hospital today, hell want to see you" Arthur said

"I want to see him too Arthur but my friend needs me" She replied running for the door and into the car.

Amy drove the long way to London hoping her meeting would still be okay unarranged. As she drove she started formulating a plan. She knew she had 24 hours before she would have to get back home before Tommy sent a search party for her. He knew she hated funerals and never stayed till the end. Amy reached London just before tea. Stepping out of the car she walked to the door.

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