Fast Forward

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One Year Later

A lot happened for Amy in that year, she gained a stronger relationship with Ada, Polly and the Shelbys, Inspector Campbell was dead, Billy Kimber was dead following Tommy getting shot and her being there to shoot him mid battle and most importantly she was officially seeing Tommy. They kept their relationship private when at work but after work they were like loves long dream. Amy was happy, for once she was able to leave her past behind her and move on and allow herself to be happy. Tommy on the other hand was the same but happy, he was getting used to having a partner but he knew it felt right because he wanted her from the minute he saw her he just didn't let it show or understand his own feelings. To Tommy leaving his guard down was a big thing same as Amy but once they trusted each other and believed in one another they were able to take their walls down together bit by bit.

Amy still lived in her home across the street, Tommy would stay with her there at night when business was handled on both sides. Outside of business you knew they were a couple but when in business you would believe they were just business partners. Opening her front door Amy knew who she had to meet today. She was meeting the chair man of the council. To Amy children were everything, she always wanted to teach but with her family name and being apart of the Mafia she knew it would never happen. Instead she decided to help Children who were poor and without families. She wanted to help them in everyway possible by opening an Institute for the Children so they would have somewhere to stay and would always be fed. Walking towards the car she spotted John looking around her car.

"Don't even think of robbing it, I just got it shipped 3 days ago from home" She smiled turning the corner.

"Nice wheels you got there Sullivans, you have to let me take her for a spin" John said coming to stand beside Amy taking in her car once again.

"Another time Johnny boy, I have an important meeting, tell Tom I wont be late" She said as she closed her door and drove off.

Reaching his office she gathered her belongings, files she needed and interview questions even though just her smile could charm a horse. Getting out of her car she was shoved back quickly by a force with someone running past. Amy quickly got back up and turned towards the man.

"Watch where you are going ya prick, you could have knocked me out" She screamed after him forgetting where she was.

Quickly adjusting herself she climbed the steps and in through the double doors. Amy proceeded up to the front desk.

"Excuse me, I am here for my 12 o clock meeting with the leader of Birmingham council, I believe my name is on the list" She said eyeing the secretary up and down.

"Whats the name" She replied back

"Amy Sullivans" She said

"Right this way Ms Sullivans, hes waiting to meet you" The secretary confirmed walking her towards his office. Getting to the door she knocked and waited to be summoned to come in.

"Come in" She opened the door and began to spoke "Ms Sullivans is here for your 12 o clock appointment sir" She continued leaving them to their business.

"Ah Ms Sullivans, it is a pleasure to meet you" He spoke as he got up from his seat to shake her hand.

"Pleasure is all mine" She replied shaking his hand back.

"Please take a seat, I see you are looking to run an institute for poor children, and what might I ask would you bring to this institution" He asked

"Well, I have the entire place run out thoughtfully, as children who are coming from broken homes and so on I would like them to be placed under my institution as they will be able to receive educational purposes such as Mathematics and other social skills they require to live an everyday life, I have teachers who are willing to work for me and are highly skilled so I assure you they will receive the best care, as for rooming arrangements I have set up as you can see in this structure that all children will have their own rooms, they will be fed as much as they please when hungry and will have facilities such as showers and toilets in each room, for physical purposed I have arranged a Health and Fitness instructor to pop in once a week to teach them how to keep fit and I will have a nurse located in the Institution for the children in case there is any need. I love Children myself and I would do anything to help them so with your help I would be able to make that happen." Amy spoke proudly, she had been planning this for the last few weeks with the help of the other Shelby's also but mainly herself.

"This sounds absolutely heart warming if I must say, I must run it by my authorities first Ms Sullivans and I will be back to you in due course, please do wish your father a hello from me and to Mr Shelby of course, he popped by last week informing me of your institution plans" He spoke but by the look on Amys face he felt he said too much.

"Oh did he now, and what did Mr Shelby have to say for himself" She spoke sitting back with her knee folded.

"Just that you had loads of Ideas to help Birmingham become a better place" He smiled

"Ah right, well I best be off, thank you again for meeting me and I look forward to hearing from you, I will be hosting a ball in the coming weeks to gain money towards the institute so please if you are available feel free to come, and your wife of course" Amy smiled bidding him a farewell.

Walking out to her car Amy was furious with Tommy. She knew he would have to intervene with her Ideas, she knew all he wanted was whats best for her but she was fine doing it alone when she didn't know him. Turning the key Amy headed back to small heath in search for Tommy himself.

"Has anyone seen Amy, I called around her house and shes not there" Ada asked around the table.

Tommy emerged from his office hearing her name echo around the room. "She has a meeting, shouldn't be too much longer" He spoke until she came through the door in a furious mood.

"There she is as we speak, how did your meeting go sweetheart?" Tommy asked not noticing her foul mood.

"Thomas, a word in your office now" She spoke as he turned on his heel and gestured her to enter the office. Closing the door he walked to his desk as she sat across from him.

"I know you know I was there" He started

"Yeah and what for? Tommy this is my project, I have been working on it for weeks now and just because we are together doesn't mean you get to go around threatening people so I get my way, I am well able if you haven't noticed and I certainly don't need help from my partner that just makes me look like a defenceless little flower when im not so please don't go doing this like this behind my back when I am well capable of getting things my way" She spoke, she could see he was genuinely disappointed with his actions.

"Okay, Im sorry, I wont intervene until you ask me too." He said dropping his hands on the desk, "Now come ere, I haven't seen you all day and the first time I see you I get your temper" He smiled as she went to sit on his lap.

"Im sorry, its just I want this, I want to be able to say I did this all by myself and not by the help of my father, I wanted this for so long and when I heard you made a visit it just felt like my father all over again, I know you meant well and Im sorry" She smiled putting her head in his neck.

"Apology accepted, now tell me how did the meeting go" He asked placing a kiss on her head and then her lips.

"Good actually he said he will go through with his colleagues and would be on to me in due time" She said as she went to kiss him back. John came barging through the door.

"Amy there is a call for you" He said "God im not used to you like this Tom" John said covering his eyes. Amy laughed as she got off Tommy and headed for the kitchen.

"Hello Ms Sullivans Speaking" She answered.

"Hello Amy, Its the district for Birmingham Council regarding your meeting this morning, we are pleased to inform you that we would be delighted in helping you with this institute and the council himself has asked for you to send the invitation as he would be delighted to accept your invitation to the ball youre hosting" The man spoke

"Thank you very much, I will send it as soon as I have them done, have a good day" She said and she hung up.

Tommy came out from his office and the other Shelbys stood around.

"Well, who was that?" Tommy questioned

"They have accepted, we will have our own institute for poor children" Amy smiled and everyone cheered.

"This calls for a celebration" John shouted as he picked Amy up and spun her around.

"Knew you could do it sister" Arthur chanted as he pulled her in for a hug.

"That's my girl come here you" Ada screeched pulling her into a hug along with Polly catching her face and hugging her.

Tommy approached her and caught her face in his hands. "I knew you could do it, Im so proud of you" He smiled as he kissed her gently. He pulled her into a hug as they watched everyone cheer and in that moment nothing could ruin their happiness, or could it?

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