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It was hard to believe that a little over two years ago, Felix Agreste was everything she ever wanted. Strong, independent, good-looking, and just a little mysterious. He was her ideal man even in highschool.
Even when he starred as a member of Francis Dupont's mean kids. Pushing kids, tripping kids, stealing items, and pulling pranks. None in which he ever got in trouble for as he was a well-behaved angel to onlookers.

As an apology for the highschool incidents he thankfully allowed her to use him as a reference so she could get a job in the Gabriel Brand's fabric department. All she had to do was to make sure the same dye lots were grouped together and stocked correctly. Not a big job but it would get her into the door. However, she ended up getting accepted as Gabriel's apprentice.

As Gabriel saw potential in her profilio. Or maybe Felix purposely got her hired? As she didn't recall sending her profilio in. It wasn't a requirement for the job she was applying for. She never asked him as it seemed trivial in the scope of things.

She was overjoyed to work with her favorite designer and crush even with all the time passing she still into him. It felt like everything was going her way until she woke up late on the first day due to an amok and akuma attack the night prior. She was sure she was going to lose her job before it even started.

"I'M HERE!" She yelled out of breath even will shortcutting the streets as Ladybug, she was still twenty-six minutes late.

Felix raised an eyebrow as he didn't expect her to show up in his office. "Miss Dupain-Cheng, how did you get past security?"

"Ummm...." She couldn't exactly come cleaned and say she snuck through an opened window.

"You were supposed to report to human resources first. Did you not read this morning's email?"

Marinette pursed her lips with wide eyes, a combination that signaled to Felix that she didn't. Felix shook his head, he had other more important matters to attend to then leading her around the office building. A building that sat like a snug blue rectangle up against the fashion Warehouse.

Felix tried to make sense of how she was able to seamlessly teleport herself from the ground floor to the top without being seen. "Magic, I guess." He muttered pressing the elevator button with the one beside it.

"I am really sorry I ended up late."

"I kinda figured you would be an hour behind so I put an earlier time down."

"That's really thoughtful, thank you!" She was a little mad that he conned her out of much needed extra minutes of sleep but his intentions were well intended.

"You're welcome."

"So, I get a cute badge like your's?" She asked as the badge pinned to his navy suit jacket had a picture of him in freshman year. When he sported his mullet, a haircut that his six year old in house stylist had given him.

"Cute?" Felix questioned as he wouldn't consider the teasing he endures from it plastered on his chest, cute. Anything but.

"Yup, I mean. It was kinda cute that Adrien wanted you to look pretty for picture day and I see it doubled as a bonus for work."

He had the joy of hearing Ladybug make fun of him until he got the disaster fixed. Not that he minded her laughter as it was a high pitched giggle with a few sporadic snorts. She had pouted when he cut it short as she preferred him with longer hair as it was fun to pass the time with. He now wore his shoulder length hair slicked back for work hours.

"I guess it did."

"At least it's better than my school passport."

"Yah, it is." He chuckled recalling that awful photo of her's. Her eyes seemed to be going in two different directions and her face looked abnormally wide. She looked like a bug-eyed goldfish.

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