Chapter 11

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Tom's POV

Ianite told me to pour this golden liquid onto Iris's wound. It trickled slowly out of the bottle, and dripped onto Iris's chest. When the bottle was empty, I capped it and placed it on the bedside table. Then I looked at her waiting for something to happen.

I watched in awe as the wound on Iris's chest started to heal. Leaving behind a thin scar. I watched her face and heard her gasp for air. She was healed.

Iris's POV

I opened my eyes, still gasping for breath. I coughed up some blood and saw Tom by my side.

"Tom..." I said, weakly. I started shaking as I sat up.

"Iris!" Tom said, helping me out of the bed. I stood up and held onto Tom's shoulders for support. I clutched my stomach and sat back down.

"Iris. What's wrong?" Tom asked, kneeling in front of me.

"When I was dead, there was no problems. Now, all the emotions and everything that happened is all rushing back at once." I said, breathing hard. Tom sat next to me and started to stroke my head, making me feel safe.

"I'm just glad that your alive." Tom said, as I stood up again. He hurried and helped me stand up. My legs were shaky but I didn't sit back down.

"Let's get you to Dec. He will be able to help you." Tom said. I nodded and began to walk shakily. Tom picked me up bridal style and I didn't protest. I felt safe and secure when I was in his arms. I was week and Declan would be able to help. Most likely... Probably... Maybe... Hopefully...

Tom's POV

We reached the priest's house and I used my foot to knock seeing as my hands were holding Iris. Declan opened the door and rushed us inside.

"Set her down on that bed." Dec instructed. I did as I was told and set her on the white sheets. Dec bustled around and gave her multiple potions.

"She'll be fine. Just, go easy on her. Okay?" Dec said, letting Iris stand up. I nodded and we walked back to my house so Iris could rest.

"You okay?" I asked as she sat down.

"Yeah. But I have a problem." Iris said. I was worried and confused.

"What?" I asked, looking into her eyes.

"My clothes are covered in blood." She said.

"Oh yeah." I said, smiling. "You'll have to go get more clothes."

"Want to come with me?" Iris asked. I nodded and she stood up. Let's go then."

Iris's POV

I lead Tom through the ender portal, and we entered the End. I called for my dragon and Verbena appeared. Tom looked shocked, and Verbena looked hesitant to go close to Tom.

"Tom this is my dragon, Verbena. Verbena this is my lover, Tom." I said, introducing the two. Tom blushed as I called him my lover. Verbena sniffed Tom then seemed to agree that he was safe.

Verbena allowed us to ride her to my home. When we got there, Tom was stunned into silence. I smiled and lead him inside. As we walked through the winding corridors, I saw Tom looking at the pillars, banners, and and paintings. I lead him to my room and told him to wait so I could get changed.

Tom's POV

I was awed at Iris's house. It had towering pillars and colorful banners. It had mosaics and intricate designs. It was awesome. we reached a doorway and Iris told me to wait outside. I did so marveling at the palace.

Iris came out a minute later wearing purple and black high tops with blue and red laces, jeans, a purple t-shirt that had 'Bruh' written in ender pearl green letters, and a black jacket.

"You look beautiful." I said, as we walked back through the winding hallways. She blushed and we headed back into the overworld.

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