Chapter 35

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Im so so so sooooo sorry that I haven't updated in a while I've just been so busy. I literally have 1 day when I'm not doing anything. I'm so sorry.

Iris's POV

"But..." I said, encouraging him to continue.

"You'll have to ask your mum." He said. I realized that it was just too much for him to say, so I didn't ask him.

"So, how's the house coming along?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Good, let me show you something." He said. He went through a door and I followed. He lead me into a bedroom. It was a big room with two beds, a birch wood floor, bookshelves filled with books, and a bedside drawer.

"Who's the second bed for?" I asked, stepping onto the smooth wood floor.

"You, silly." Tom said.

"M-m-me?" I asked, lightly dragging a finger across the books.

"Yes you." He said. I told him that I loved it then heard a knock on the door. we went to open it and found Andor.

"Hi, Andor!" I said happily.

"Hi. Where have you been? Everyone has been looking all over for you." He said.

"You have?" I asked sheepishly.

"Yeah. Like for the last 2 hours." He said, "You just disappeared this morning."

"Oh yeah. I guess I just never thought of it like that." I said, guilty.

"Yeah, well everyone at the castle is frantic." He said.

"You should go, Iris." Tom said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I guess so. I'll come back Tom, I promise." I said, then Andor and I started walking back to the castle. We walked over the grass in silence, neither of us knowing what to say.

"You two together then?" He asked as we reached the town.

"Yeah." I said, blushing scarlet.

"Next time you see him, tell him to be careful about being open with who he follows. If he doesn't follow Mianite that is." He suggested, as we walked through the cobbled town streets.

"Why?" I asked, continuing down the street.

"My 'mum' and 'sister' were killed by Ianite and Dianite. They weren't, but 'dad' thinks they were." Andor explained, reaching the castle's door.

"What if there was another god to follow?" I asked, walking into the castle beside Andor.

"Sadly, there isn't." Andor said, however letting a smile come onto his face. I smiled to myself. It took all my mental strength not to say, 'That's what you think'.

"There you are Iris, where have you been?" The king asked, seeing me walk into the throne room with my brother.

"Oh, I went to go see my friends. You know, the new people." I explained, not mentioning the relationship between Tom and I.

"Don't do that again without telling someone." He ordered, ignoring Andor completely. I nodded and headed upstairs with Andor. I pulled him into my bedroom and shut the door.

"There is another god who you can follow." I said, closing the doors to the balcony.

"Who?" Andor asked, looking at me with confusion.

"Me." I said. I moved my hands in an action that looked as if I was creating a snowball, and created a ball of golden light. I showed him the light and threw it into the air, making it look like mini-fireworks.

"Wow!" Andor said, looking at the fireworks fade, "Cool!"

"Remember that girl with the neon green hair?" I asked, "She is my follower."

"That's awesome!" He said, looking like Christmas had come early.

"Yeah." I said. I opened the balcony doors and stepped outside. I closed my eyes and thought of an eagle. I felt my body becoming smaller until I was a majestic eagle with golden eyes.

"Iris? That is amazing!" Andor exclaimed, coming out onto the balcony. I morphed back into human form and sat on the balcony's railing. I smiled and just watched the town.

Evly's POV

I put in the last glass pane and stepped back to look at the house. Ezmia and I had been working non-stop to get this house done. I walked inside looked at the rooms inside.

"We're done!" Ezmia said, stepping back and walking towards me.

"Took long enough!" I said, kidding. Ezmia smiled and we both went to take a nap. We were exhausted!

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