Chapter 17

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Tom's POV

We slashed our swords furiously at Furia. Who attacked us back, and I felt hot and heard the crackling of flames, but I continued to fight ruthlessly. At last, Furia was low on heath. I swung my sword one last time, and Furia disintegrated.

I looked around and saw a curved bottle with silver and gold mist. I took out the cork and the mist swirled into the form of Iris.

"Thank you, heroes." It said, then flew off in the wind.

Iris's POV

I sat against the wall, the chains bringing me down. I felt week and helpless. Until, that is, I saw a silver and gold mist coming towards me. I struggled with the chains and stood up. It was my magical essence! I let it go into me and felt instantly more powerful.

I closed my eyes and thought of a wolf. I morphed into my wold form and used my powerful teeth to unhinge the chains. I than morphed into a bird and flew out the barred window to freedom.

I landed in front of the portal and went through it and found myself in front of the priests house. I morphed myself back into human and fell to my knees. It was hard to just receive my essence back and then morph. I looked down at my clothes and found them covered in dried blood. I limped over to the priests house and knocked.

Declan's POV

I heard a knock on my door and ran to open it. I found Iris, covered in dried blood. I rushed her inside and instructed her to lay on the bed. I asked her what happened and she told me about getting her magical essence back.

I cleaned off some dried blood and gave her a potion of healing, strength, and regeneration all in one. She drank it and started to heal immediately.

"I will go find Tom for you." I offered. Iris nodded and I headed out to find him.

Tom's POV

We got back to the Realm Of Mianite and saw Dec rushing towards us. He pulled me inside his house where I saw Iris on the medical bed. I rushed over to her side.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I asked, kneeling down beside her.

"I'm getting better." Iris said, her voice was raspy yet it flowed like silk.

"What happened." I asked again, looking into her ender pearl green eyes. Then she told me all about getting her magical essence back and I told her all about the maze and Furia.

"I missed you." She said.

"As did I."

Waglington's POV

I was happy that Iris is back, but I was angry that she was still with Tom. I wanted her to forget about him and come to me. I was jealous but I was at the same time happy for her. I didn't think that he father would be. Because Eriquis is a very protective man.

"Still jealous?" Killer Tom asked, coming in the room, quite uninvited.

"Of course. Got anymore brilliant ideas?" I asked, thinking of the lying idea.

"Yeah actually I do." Killer Tom said, smiling mysteriously.

"What is it?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Her father, Eriquis." Killer Tom said, a mischievous look in his eyes. I thought about it for a second then nodded. I thanked him and got ready to teleport.

Eriquis's POV

I sat on my throne looking over the people of the world. My wife Ianite is safe in the End, my brother in-law Mianite, is watching over the people of the overworld. And my other brother in-law, Dianite, is commanding creatures of the nether.

Every day I wondered what had happened to my daughter, Iris. I wondered where she was, what she was doing, and everything about her. Unfortunately, I had no idea where she was.

There was a flash of light and the wizard Waglington was in front of my throne. He bowed, then rose to his feet.

"What news do you bring?" I asked in my commanding voice, which is my normal voice.

"News of your daughter." He said, I sat up straighter in my throne. "She is in The Realm Of Mianite. She was recently captured by Dianite, but escaped."

"Tomorrow you shall lead me to her." I commanded, Waglington bowed and said,

"As you wish, sir." then he teleported away. I thought of my daughter for a moment, wondering how she grew up and what she looks like. If anyone is with Iris, they can write their will now.

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