Chapter 25

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Tom's POV

Everything went alright. And it was finally at the last thing. Jousting. I charged at a guard mounted upon a horse and successfully knocked him off of the stead.

"One more thing." Lord Eriquis said, "Show me your arm."

"Show you my what?" I asked, trying to avoid showing him my mark.

"Your arm boy, your arm." He said. I started to pull up my right sleeve but her said.

"No, no. Your left arm." I slowly pulled my sleeve up my arm. The minute that my mark was showing, Lord Eriquis gasped.

"Iris. Dianite's champion I ask you!" He explained, "Iris you may not be with Tom."

"What! But, but daddy." Iris said, looking at me.

"No buts. Guards." Lord Eriquis called for his guards and they took a hold of Iris's arms, to prevent her from running to me.

"Tom! Run!" Iris yelled, tears streaming down her face. I couldn't do anything my feet were rooted to the spot. The guards teleported away, taking Iris with them. Lord Eriquis teleported after them and I collapsed to my knees.

"Iris..." I said, looking at the place where the guards had teleported her away.

"Tom..." Evly said, coming to stand next to me.

"Go away Evly!" I shouted.

"Tom I-" Evly started to say, but I was furious and Evly was the closest person to me. Without knowing what I was doing, I had slashed at Evly with a knife. Evly gasped in pain and left me, frightened.

Evly's POV

Tom slashed my arm leaving a deep cut. I left, staggering towards Jordan's house. I knocked with my left arm seeing as my right arm had a huge cut in it. Jordan opened the door and gasped.

"Evly, what happened?" He asked, leading me inside.

"I went to see how the test thing went. I assume it didn't go so well, to was really angry and when I tried to talk to him, he slashed my arm with a knife." I said, allowing Jordan to clean my cut. I winced as the cold, wet cloth touched my cut.

"Sorry. But I need to clean it." Jordan said, cleaning the cut. Once he was done with the cloth, he wrapped my arm in bandages.

"Thanks, Jardon." I said, as Jordan put the extra bandages away.

"Your welcome, Ev." Jordan said, putting the cloth in the sink.

"Ev?" I asked, standing up and following him.

"Yeah, I'm Jardon. So you're Ev." Jordan said, shrugging.

"Don't call me Ev." I said, brushing dirt off of my t-shirt.

"Ah, come on." Jordan pleaded.

"No, no, nope." I said, shaking my head just to prove the point.

"Ah, fine." Jordan gave in. Then he mumbled something that I couldn't hear.

"Didn't catch that." I said, looking at him mockingly. Jordan rolled his eyes and continued walking.

Iris's POV

The guards teleported me into a tower. Now I feel like Rapunzel. I miss Tom already. I can't seem to morph either. Maybe there is a magical block here. Anyway it sucks!I hate being here, I hate being away from Tom. But most pf all, I hate being the damsel in distress.

I looked around and saw there was a wall of books, a canopy bed, a closet, a couch, a bathroom, and other stuff. I can't believe that my own father would do this to me. I walked own to the window and saw that I was just on the outskirts of the castle town.

I pulled over a chair and sat with my head resting on the open window sill. I stared out of the window, letting my thoughts entertain me. The sunset painted the clouds a pink, orange color. It reminded me of the nights that Tom and I had spent together. Oh how I missed that.

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