3 • Nearly fatal slit

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a chuckle under the towers of anxiety.

a boy.
a boy who drowned himself in his own stress. months of stress. weeks of stress. days of stress.
one year.
a year of stress about every little detail.
then another.
and another.

a boy.
a boy he loved, who recently became distant.

and usually, he would add another.

but he is tired.
he is spent.
he is just about on the edge.

his now distant lover ignored him.

and he thinks that he, himself, has nobody.

he's right.

Wake up, Paper.


this chapter contains...
mental disorders
characters with PTSD
characters with DID
you have been warned...


You sit straight up in bed, your head spinning. You just woke up from a nightmare. One in which OJ was stabbing you. You're terrified, but it was all a dream. And dreams shouldn't mean anything... right?

You shake your hands a bit to regain feeling in them. Why were your hands so numb?

That dream felt so real. It's like... your brain was awake, but your body wasn't. It's like a uncanny, eerie version of OJ sat on the edge of your bed and stared at you, and then proceeded to pound on your chest and stab you with some sort of knife.

But it's a dream... and it felt and looked all too real.

And all too similar to what happened between Test Tube and Paintbrush-

You violently shake your head. Everyone is, or should be, over that by now- except Fan and Paintbrush of course. Test Tube is probably over it, but nobody has a clue.

Apparently, Test Tube couldn't trust Paintbrush so she spied on them while they slept. At least, that's what the rumor was. Paintbrush had apparently seen her and the two got into a verbal fight... and then a physical one.

Your phone buzzes and you pick it up. A text thread?

New Messages:

Cheesy: Hey! Test Tube got into a fight with Fan today! How vile...

Trophy: Shut up.

Mic: Wait. Is it lik wifh paintbrudh?

Cheesy: spell-check??

Trophy: I beg you. Shut up.

Mic: sorry. panicked. saw something in the window. anyone want to answer my question?

Soap: Mic, I've heard that it was similar, yes.

Fan: Can you remove me from this thread?

Cheesy: No, Flatface.

OJ: Leave Fan and Paintbrush alone and delete this thread.

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